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  1. #6
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    "Dear Felicity,

    I have little doubt that if Shinsou is invited to this Ball in Salvar which already seems to be the event of the social calendar season, that you will be very eager to go with him. As both you and I care for the man deeply it should come as little surprise that I support your efforts.

    I myself cannot attend, due to the birth of my son Aderyn, whom I hope you shall one day come and meet, for you after all were a great influence for me and my decisions to keep him. However through my connections I have managed to obtain invites to said Ball, and though one of these will be held by my representative there, I extend also it to you. You merely need to say you are there on the interests of the Nightingale and the Lily, and they will allow you access.

    I am offering you this in return for one favour. In the Ball there will be an individual with a peacock feather mask. I wish to know if her wellbeing, and I believe I can trust you to relate that been to a mother who misses her daughter.


    I slipped the letter under my dress. I hated everything about today, but I needed to put myself aside for the sake of my loved ones.

    I was not happy.

    I hated Salvar. Yet, here I was. In Salvar. Ugh.

    My mentor, Shinsou Vaan Osiris, had been invited to some fancy ball with rich fat nobles. Of course, I needed to come along. What if something happened to him? I could not let Shinsou out of my sights; even in a night of festivities.

    I entered shortly after Shinsou had, through the looming arches that felt like gateways to prison. The air was warm and stuffy, I felt constricted. As I walked through, I noticed the guards posted at the entrances and shivered. Why were guards posted at such a public event? To keep order? My paranoia was getting the better of me. I paused, the cool Salvic winds wafering from outside, begging me to return. The only reason I was here was for Shinsou. These rich party guests, dresses and suits you, and happy faces were all gross lies.

    I sighed. Of course, I myself wore a dress. The Brotherhood women refused to let me come without it. I needed to look the part, even if I did not feel it. It was a dark purple gown, flowing and elegant. The dress wrapped around with simple silk and gold lacing. The sleeves were long and loose, doing well in hiding my scarred, muscular arms. The front of the gown was a lighter shade of lilac, with intricate gold nylon lacing with detailed designs on them. A see through cloak covered the dress. It did nothing to block out Salvar's winter winds. I pulled down the hood, revealing my straight red hair. Wrapped around my forehead, I wore a dark purple headband. I still was unused to the scar over my eye, one detail of my rough lifestyle no amounts of makeup could hide.

    I walked across the marble floor, my purple high heels echoing across the room. I awkwardly walked in them, feeling as if this was some cruel balancing game. I entered the ballroom with feelings of doom and dread. The dress was itchy and confining, just like this lavish dance floor. I slipped next to Shinsou after he finished talking to some rich noble. A clasped my hands together, fidgeting. I grew up in rural mountains and deep forests. I had no idea how any of this high end fancy stuff worked. I was completely unarmed too. If Shinsou was attacked here, I only could rely on my unarmed martial arts training to defend him. Thaynes forbid I let my magic turn on, this was Salvar after all. I had to keep an eye out for the woman Philomel wanted me to, but so far saw no signs of her. I hated this place already. Feeling out of place and vulnerable, I leaned close to Shinsou and whispered miserably, "Well. We're here. What do we do, cause I have no idea?"
    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-25-2021 at 10:17 AM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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