From the courtyard, thuds of commotion sounded from the interior of the building. Attentions directed toward the ballroom where lights of chandeliers blew out. One became two, then three, until one by own, thuds preceded extinguished lights. The warm glow of the ballroom which washed over the exterior of the courtyard faded to an eerie cool glow of a moon high in the sky. Muffled screams carried into the courtyard until suddenly, the doors to the ballroom thrust open and a howl of wind cascaded into the open air. The fresh powder which coated the ground, bushes, and statue of Iverstead lifted into a temporary blizzard. Swirls of white whistled and whipped into the distance until silence crept over the courtyard.

Blue petals of roses now lay scattered all across the courtyard with nigh but a few still attached to their thorny bushes. Beneath the statue of Iverstead, small speckles of red wisped steam into the chilled night air.

Guards rushed into the courtyard, pushing guests from their way as they quickly moved toward the two gates that lead outward to the rest of the estate. They framed the exits and crossed polearms with stern eyes staring toward the manor. No one would leave.

A murder has occurred in the Ballroom.