It was only happenstance that the man's name was Rehtul, right? What seemed to be eons ago now, Azza had called someone 'Uncle Rehtul' once upon a time. There was never much interaction between them and as such he was just another 'uncle' or 'auntie' in the Ixian Castle to Azza. But when the blue haired mage turned to her and mentioned the person who could only be her adoptive father and then her name without being told, the young woman was sure of it.

Azza let out an embarrassed laugh as she rubbed the back of her neck lightly. "Yeah. It's been a long time hasn't it, Uncle Rehtul?" Glancing towards the ballroom to take stock of the pandemonium, Azza returned her attention to Rehtul again with a wistful smile. “There’s a lot I’d like to ask, but I don’t think this is the time for it.” Several more soldiers marched out with one of them directing the others. From the looks of it they were beginning to comb the gardens and courtyard.

Looking at everyone else, she shrugged. “It’s probably our last chance to run and not get caught up in all this mess.” Then again, if Rehtul’s luck was anything like the other Ixian’s she knew, they were already probably knee-deep in the muck.