It was a modest chamber within their temple. The one that Nosdyn claimed for he and Xelldra. He held her that night closely, feeling the ebb and flow of time different as it flowed different for their people. He considers the last battle carefully there was information there for him. Something he was missing that troubled him greatly. He lays there deep in thought holding his woman calmly. They are both skyclad. It's late that night well into the night hours. He considers the pieces of the puzzle. He considers that Lucile had tried the exact same tactic Xyllea, her ancestor, once used on him. The sudden truth sets in. "They use their body to buy favors." Nosdyn said silently to his wife. "I think I understand why this is all happening now." He sits up in their bed carefully and looks at his wife, Xelldra.

She's already awake by that point. She's looking at him with her glowing green eyes. "That is consistent with the information we've also learned."

He considers further. "What if...we adapt and change our tactics here?" He suddenly asks as the ideas begin to settle in his mind, he was thinking.

"I don't follow." She observes.

He continues to think of matters. "If they crave the flesh..." He gets up calmly and starts to get dress. "Get dressed my wife, we must consult with Tharak and the others, I think I have a way to win this long war."


"So you're saying we infect the source of their lust?" Lilly asked their leader, she couldn't believe nobody ever thought of such a simple solution before.

It would work because it was so deviously simple.

"They crave the sex, they hunger for the lust." Nosdyn's heart was racing as he considers what he was planning. "We plague their centers of lust and attack them that way."

It was such a simple idea, it could actually work.

Tharak looks at his Father. "Father...that is so crazy it might actually succeed!"