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  1. #13

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A short time later they are all gathered near Nosdyn.

    That temple of Lloth, one of the smaller chapters had been wiped out. Nosdyn looked at his companions for a moment and studied the rotting bodies of the Dark Elves. He felt almost sorry for them. He frowns as he looks at them for a moment. "It should not have come down to this." Nosdyn says calmly.

    Tharak, his son, listens to him and looks at his father. "Father, it has been a long day we should head home before more Ettermire troops arrive." He says wisely.

    Nosdyn nods for a moment. "Right, our operation here today was a success." He says. "We'll have a debriefing once we're home." He says. It felt weird to him that they were winning after all the heavy losses they had endured A part of him didn't like that things were going their way. He'd lost and suffered too much at the hands of N'Jal. They began to leave.

    The contagion weapon was still in the air around and within the temple. They wouldn't need to spread it in a mass way, the Dark Elves would do that for them. He walks alongside his companions as they head home. The feelings he had before of guilt and loyalty to the Dark Elves were gone. Three times he'd been rejected by Ettermire women. He'd grown old and bitter from the rejection. He holds his wife's hand as they walk together. He says nothing he simply holds her hand.

    He had a strong sense of loyalty to his woman. Though she was Undead, he didn't care. She had proven enough to him. His cause was now their cause. They had defeated N'Jal and it was proven mortal folks could defeat and even kill rhose bastard Thaynehood.

    They make it home a few hours later to the under in Ettermire. The temple they had rebuilt.

    Nosdyn had a grim expression on his face, he wasn't sure how he should feel with their victory close at hand. He was an old warrior, all he knew was the art of war. He knew that had ultimately been his curse and original downfall. He stops as they arrive at him. His wife is looking at him. "Where did it all go so wrong?" The wise old warrior said to them quietly. "How did it come to this?"

    "Father...?" Tharak asks. "What is troubling you?" Tharak knew his father, the old demon would say often profound things.

    "We can hurt the Thayne. Even kill them." Nosdyn says calmly. His hands begin to shake. "Our war against N'Jal isn't over until we kill her."
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 08-05-2021 at 05:24 PM.

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