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Thread: Rhyme level one

  1. #1

    Rhyme's Avatar


    Rhyme Ramora

    Rhyme level one

    Name: Rhyme Renata Remona
    Race: Peafowlku
    Age: 25
    Occupation: Travelling poet/bard


    Rhyme is a Peafowlku, being an anthropologised peafowl. He stands at the average height for a Peafowlku; about 5' 6". His feathers are downy, soft and blue. Some Peafowlku (10%) do have wings, blessed by the spirits they call Kami, but 90% do not. Rhyme is not lucky enough to have been born with wings, but as a male has a glorious peacock tail which does not trail the ground, but sits at about calf height. It can spread into a full fan on command, but Rhyme rarely used this. He has downy feathers attached to his arms, longer at the elbow, but everything from his wrists to fingertips and knee to toes is scaley black. He has a small plume atop his head, and a narrow face with a beak.


    Rhyme is a reserved, gentle character, who does not seem to express much on first meeting but improves as you get to know him. When he speaks it is with deliberation, and after some thought. He is kind, strong, and patient, though has a fierce temper when truly provoked.


    Musician - Rhyme has good skill at playing most string instruments, especially in the lute and banjo.

    Writing - Rhyme is an expert at crafting poetry, spoken word, and general creative writing.

    Intelligence - Rhyme is smarter than the average person, with quick wit and understanding of concepts.


    Bardic Inspiration -

    Once per post Rhyme can inspire a single individual with his music or his spoken word. They feel invigorated, as if a boost of adrenaline has been injected. This could also be described or experienced as a morale boost, encouraging someone to keep on going or fighting even when they wish to give up. It can encourage someone to see through minor pain in order to give a further strike.

    Words of Truth -

    Three times per thread Rhyme can speak the Truth. This is not in regards to any truth that comes from a person's individual perspective, but rather a factual and evident truth that no-one can dispute. To be able to speak the Truth he must know something, even minor, about the subject, situation or event. He does not use this ability in any court of law or appeal, but rather when he is doing his own investigation or is involved in personal debate.

    Word of Power -

    Three times a day/thread Rhyme can speak a word that sends a shiver up a person's spine. It makes them freeze in horror, and be fearful of him. The word changes from person to person, and Rhyme instinctively knows what word will cause them to pause. For powerful individuals this will be little more than a distraction, and he uses it mainly to get out of a situation he does not want to be in.


    Little is known of this illusive creature or his kind. Rhyme grew up with his parents in Akashima amongst the cultured people and the musicians of the city. His parents told him that Peafowlku are rare and came to Althanas one day with no memory of their life before then. Whether they were placed there or evolved it is not known, but he grew up happy and healthy.


    One lute.
    One set of clothes for travelling.
    Some shampoo and soap to look after ones shiny feathers.
    Last edited by Rhyme; 04-15-2021 at 06:50 AM.

  2. #2
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile
    Hi Rhyme, welcome to Althanas!

    We're good to go here, I think.

    You are approved!

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