Found under a hidden door in the floor, in the backroom of his lab, was an underground bunker. Tall, long, thin halls of stone lead from room to room of… terrible and dark things. The twisted alchemist's mind had been unleashed down here. Most experiments were with dark arts, forbidden magic, and foul substances. From room to room, anything from potions to holocrons to runes to the corpses of abominable creatures. Imbued weapons, books of terror, and serums of horror.

Within this long, dank, cold underground lab was the reality that was Daisuke Toivonion's depravity.

In the very back room, however, one of his sentient experiments still lived.

When an unsuspecting visitor bought the property of the lab and pharmacy shortly after Toivonion's death, the questions had to be asked… would the twisted lab be found? What dark secrets would be found? Would she finally be discovered?