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  1. #1

    EXP: 18,921, Level: 5
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 1,079
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,079


    Sivienna Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    So good! This is hitting the spot after all the hell I have been through! Sivi thought to herself, her soft full lips pressed against the clean glass of her blood wine. The liquid felt like heaven as it slid easily down the vixen's throat. Peace reigned in the night angel's heart as she gently set her wine glass down on the bar-top. However, her peace was not to last long.

    A rush of blond hair flashed by the vampiress's view, she could hear giggles coming from the child who dashed by her. His little feet dumping everything, INCLUDING her glass of blood wine off the bar's counter-top. A yelp followed her glass, as she saw her kitsune leap of the counter where she had been sleeping.

    With a choice between catching her glass of falling heaven, or catching her familiar. Sivi sighed as she caught Serenity easily. The fox looked annoyed as she barked "Mistress! This is not a place to relax! We should have chosen another tavern!" her twin tails twitched as her chocolate brown eyes caught sight of the tangled up fae-child. Her bright orange fur was bristling as she yipped at Sivi "I"m going to go talk to that blond haired troublemaker! He made me have to avoid him, when he should have watched where he was going!" she then leapt out of her mistress's arm and trotted over to where the fae-child was currently strung up by a very agitated plant-lady.

    Growling loudly to get both their attention, the little fox familiar barked out "Watch where you are going! You almost knocked me over!" her chocolate brown eyes were hot, annoyed and angry, because in truth, just like her mistress, all Serenity wanted was a moment to relax and not be caught in the midst of chaos or problems.

    Sivienna groaned, her lavender hues flashing, as she knew her time to relax was at an end, moving to join her kitsune, Sivienna looked at the enraged plant-lady and asked politely "What did this blonde haired boy do miss? I hope I don't trouble you by asking, but this child did almost make my familiar fall flat on its face..."

  2. #2
    Apathy Elemental

    EXP: 114,186, Level: 14
    Level completed: 68%, EXP required for next Level: 4,814
    Level completed: 68%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,814

    Briarheart's Avatar


    Madison Freebird

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    And the hits just kept on coming--

    That fucking stupid little fox had the audacity to try and stop me from dealing with that blasted little child. That scruffy midget steals from me, and I'm the one getting attacked? Fuck this. Fuck him. Fuck everything.

    It wasn't the teeth that pissed me off the most. Those were fine. Tolerable, more like. I've had worse pain stubbing my toe against the coffee table.

    It was the flashes of fire that erupted from Veridian's mouth with each bite, charring the flesh of my vines. I could feel every little cell screaming in pain as entire patches of plant matter blackened and burned away, revealing the wet skin of the next layer beneath the fox's jaws.

    "Get the fuck off me," I hissed at him. "The little shit stole from me! Go be a hero somewhere else!" Acid began welling up behind clenched teeth. I quickly tore my mask away and unleashed a stream of pale amber at him.

    I didn't wait to see if Veridian took another face-full of acid before I bolted past him. Closing the distance between me and the little thief, I drew enough of my vines back to keep him bound by the legs but start to heal the nasty burns that I desperately tried to ignore.

    The fae desperately squirmed, clutching the deck of cards and sobbing desperately. Little blasts of cold air surrounded him, casting a thin layer of frost on the floorboards where he laid. I could feel the chill creep through my vines, but I would not let go. Kneeling down next to him, I rested my knee squarely on his back, preventing him from escaping.

    I leaned in nice and close. An errant drop of acid landed on the floor, inches from his face. A thin wisp of smoke from the burning wood immediately focused his attention.

    "Give me the cards," I whispered venomously into his ear, covered as it was by a tuft of ragged blond hair. "Now."

  3. #3
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,234

    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

    View Profile
    When in doubt, look pitiful. Humans spare adorable, pitiful things. Maybe Briarhearts did too.

    Fenn didn't much like crying. As soon as his tears left his body, they became capable of freezing, which meant it usually gave him a face full of crunchy ice to clean up afterward. He had to admit though, crocodile a very good strategy when you were in a room with a few people who thought you had a cute lil’ face. People with overactive protective instincts were very useful. Even the scariest of sapients usually had a soft spot inside for a crying child.

    This particular Briarheart was an exception to this rule.

    Sssssssss. A drop of acid fell, boring into the floor just a few inches in front of his face. Fenn stopped squirming to stare at it. His tears stopped as soon as Maddison spoke up. That voice curled up his spine like an intrusive, creeping vine. It was a dangerous voice.

    The boy hesitated, and slowly wiped hus bleeding nose.

    For a second, he was tempted to shove the cards in his bag and pretend he didn’t know where they were. Cards? What cards? It was far too late for that though. Fenn glanced between the shinies in his hand, and the murderous Briarheart looming over him. Wow, even her face was made of vines. Her jaws were big, chompy, and spooky too. Cards, Briarheart. Cards, Briarheart. Even under threat of… possibly death, he felt a little reluctant to give away something he had so firmly decided was his.

    Sighing, the fae wriggled to hold out the frostbitten deck for Maddy to take.

    OOPS, THIS YOURS? he etched in frost on the floor with his other hand. FOUND THEM! VERY LUCKY FOR YOU! FRIENDS NOW?

    No murder please.
    Last edited by FennWenn; 09-14-2017 at 08:02 AM.
    "I'm funny, so they let me live." - Skippy's List

    The Wiki Matriarch, the Vignette Enthusiast, your friendly neighborhood Cinnamon Smol, and very excited to roleplay!

    I play this rude little bug! Spell his name F E N N I K. No "c".

  4. #4

    EXP: 87,404, Level: 12
    Level completed: 81%, EXP required for next Level: 2,596
    Level completed: 81%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,596

    Lye's Avatar


    Lichensith Ulroke
    I gave daggers to the redhead. Scarlet, the color came to mind but felt detatched from the face. Adrienne? Addison? Amethyst?

    "Amari," I stated. My hands fumbled with the pouch at my side to expose several vials. Most empty, I pulled out one containing what looked like blue, glowing mist. I wagged it in front of her. "Everything. I took everything."

    That phrase meant something powerful. My memories, lost in a fog, began to slowly become more tangible. I remembered a weak, frail thing with the heart of a lion. I recalled chains, hot irons in my legs, and a red number that once belonged to someone very important to me. My half-dead gaze fell on the vial, then back to her.

    "Your heart," I began. "This is the last of it and it is mine, damn it. You can't give this to anyone else."

    Before it could be snatched by her or any of the other bottom feeders in this dump, I pulled a sleight of hand befitting of my bloody escapades and relocated the vial somewhere on my person. I don't really know why I did that or said those words, but it felt genuine. I felt I betrayed myself for saying something I guarded more than the vial or any other current possession. But it felt like breathing for the first time after a garrote threaten to squeeze the life out of you.

    Point made and senses tingling, I directed my attention toward Madison.

    "Quit screwing with the kid," I shouted, words making more sense minute by minute. "Kill it or just take a finger or two. That'll set him straight."

  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 1,998
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,998

    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ven saw Eteri order the vodka. Ven saw Eteri order the vodka and stared. He knew this was a bad idea. He knew that she would regret it. Despite this, he stayed silent.


    Well she had to learn somehow. Plus it was only vodka, so no real harm.

    His thoughts were proven correct when she downed a shit and proceeded to flip the heck out.

    This would normally have been amusing, but Ven wasn't like that.
    Ven did not laugh at stupid things his friends do. Ven WOULD not laugh at this.





    Ven started dying as he couldn't hold it in, tears streaming down his face because he was laughing so hard. This cause a few weird looks, but Ven didn't care.

    Fifteen seconds later, he was was starting to calm down, whipping his face.

    Eteri gave him a big pout. "You Ven big jerk!"

    Ven held a finger up, attempting

    to catch his breath. "I- I'm sorry Blue bell, but y-you had to see your face. It was priceless."

    Ven the looked at the barkeep. "You sir are one of my favorite people right now. He then pulled out some money, enough to pay for the glass plus a bit extra as a tip.

    The man grumbled, clearly unhappy with the how they were acting, but he couldn't complain about money.

    Ven however turned his attention back to Eteri, whose attention was focused elsewhere. Naturally, he looked to see where she was looking at.

    And that person who a person who looked very similar Eteri, except less blue and more serious.

    "Huh, another person of your race. What are the odds?"

    Eteri looked at Ven quickly with pleading eyes. "Oh no, that my sister! We no be close!"

    Ven blinked. "YOU HAVE A SISTER?!? AND HERE?!?"

    Ven then picked up Eteri and started to saunter over to Ayaka, wanting to meet cat sibling. Eteri tried to break free, but drunk Eteri only slightly hinders determined Ven. Basic math, duh!

    "Hey! Eteri's sister! Hello!"

    All the meanwhile, ignoring the chaos erupting in the bar.

    God Damn it Ven.
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  6. #6

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 29
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 29

    Ayaka's Avatar


    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    She rose her eyes to meet a white haired man who had quite literally dragged Eteri through the crowd to sit at the table. Eteri did not seem happy to see Ayaka, but, their relationship was always strained at best. "Ayaka. Not 'Eteri's sister. Who taught you manners?" Ayaka leaned forward and picked up her glass, swirling the contents around slowly as she stared at Eteri and the man in the blue suit. Now they were sitting here, it was blatantly obvious they were sharing the one soul.

    Truth be told, Ayaka was a little relieved that her vegabond sister managed to find something to fill that emptiness inside of her, but there was something horrendously unnerving about the giant red ball of miasma that had clawed its way into the center of her being.

    "You never told me you..." Ayaka tilted her head to the side, golden eyes remaining on the man. "Married someone, that is it right? No one would be stupid enough to share half of their existence otherwise."

  7. #7
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 1,998
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,998

    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ven at least had enough social adept to look embarrassed, though just barely. Ven did not get anywhere by letting a bit of embarrassment stop him.

    "Well my name is Venex Apara, most people call me Ven. It's nice to meet you, even if I you are making rude assumptions."

    Ven shook his head, sighing, more amused than anything. "You don't know how many people have assumed we were lovers. Like come on? Can't a guy and a girl be good friends without everyone assuming there is romance involved? I'm too young for romance! I have the rest of my life. As for the stupid thing..."

    He shrugged. "I had long lecture on that. I wish I could but no!"

    <" Damn Archie and me having stupid good memory"> he muttered in Akashiman.

    He then shook his head and looked at Ayaka again, going back to Tradespeak. "So what brings you out here? Tonight has been crazy? I mean I know I never expected to meet Eteri's sister."
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  8. #8

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 29
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 29

    Ayaka's Avatar


    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    "To be honest, I'm glad you two aren't married." Ayaka said as she took another sip from her quickly emptying glass of scotch. "The sharing of one's soul is extremely intimate. You feel each others emotions, distress, happiness. It is quite odd for 'friends' to share such intimacy. So it is not so much as a rude assumption as a logical one. If you regret it that much I'm sure my sister would give it back. Isn't that right, Eteri?"

    Eteri jumped, and gave a small nod. "Eteri would! Eteri try! Venn no let!"

    "He won't let you?" Ayaka asked, turning to glance at the man. How curious. He muttered something in Akashimian, and as he did, Ayaka immediately switched to her native tongue, refusing to bother with tradespeak if he could understand.

    <"The rest of your life could very well end by tomorrow, especially with someone that has such an erratic and foolish nature like yours."> She sneered. <"Eteri deserves better. Someone so flippant would be unreliable.">

    "Ayaaakaa that mean!"

    <"Speak in your native tongue, you sound like an idiot."> Ayaka snapped back at Eteri. It sounded harsh, but it frustrated Ayaka, Eteri was quite astute and smart when she needed to be, but her talking in a language she was not fluent in made her sound like a fool.

  9. #9
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
    Level completed: 24%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,617

    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    I felt so dizzy, and ill. Why didn't anyone tell me that was alcohol!? It looked like water...ok so it smelt pretty strong, but it LOOKED like water. So... I mean... ah... who am I kidding, it was a realy stupid move on my part, even Venn was laughing at me. My ears were flat against my head, my mouth turned into a pout as he laughed at me. How mean.
    My brain was fuzzy, and my limbs felt heavy. I couldn't stop Venn from dragging me over to my sister.

    Now the three of us sat at a table, and I felt horrible. It was bad enough being laughed at by Venn, and for him to be so defensive of our relationship. Sure... we were just friends, but did he have to be so cold about it? I mean, I was right here. I tugged on his sleeve, my voice small. "Venn..." He must not have heard, he and Ayaka continued to converse.

    It was always this way. Ayaka always commanded the attention of those around her, she was tall, strong, proud and very outspoken. Venn wasn't unreliable, he helped me out, a few times. Sure... I had a horrible fear that if I wasn't always 100% happy around him he would disappear, but beyond that Venn was an important person in my life.

    <"Ven is very nice."> I let go of his sleeve and slumped forward. The wood on the table felt nice against my forehead, and it stopped the room from spinning. <"He only wants fun, if I am not fun or happy, he would leave, so I need to be happy. I need to have fun. A pain in my chest tells me to do things-">

    <"If he's your friend he won't fuck off when you're down, but what? Is it that red soul? The fuck Eteri? Why would you willingly put that in you? That is bad news, that thing is dangerous.">

    My head shot up. <"No! It clawed into me! I wasn't planning on keeping it! I was going to sell it!">

    I felt hot tears in my eyes, why was she always like this? Why was she always talking down to me. I was the one who could weave souls, not her!
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  10. #10

    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
    EXP required for next Level: 7,350

    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Whining, Veridian struggled on the floor, between hissing and spitting and hateful yowling. He twisted and turned as piles of cold and spiteful acid gathered around him, smog and coalescing liquid in one. There was even a voice who tried to say something about something stolen but really, that, during this?. He gritted his teeth as large portions gathered around him, stinging directly against a huge portion of his flank.


    From his side something collided with him, just before a new spawn of acid began to fall like silver rain. He was pushed out of the way, just narrowly missing an attack directly to the face which strangely rang an old bell.

    He skidded across the counter top somewhat, chest heaving and frantically looking around to see his new saviour. There sat Mao, not far from him, still in normal size but head tipped to the side in her curious primal way. Her nose pointed off and away, over to ...

    Fenn. On the ground with that plant-head Madison and her whole weight on his back. At first Veridian began to growl, getting up but then he saw the small boy, smiling awkardly and lifting up ... What? Paper, card, the strange pictures Veridian had seen falling before.

    Then it struck him. Stealing. Someone stealing the voice had said. Struggling as the pain continued to burn, and likely would still for a long time more so long as the spirit of fire in him endured it, Veridian made a strangled noise between a moan and a frustrated growl.

    Mao nudged him with her paw, huffing and shaking her head once - a communication thing she had learnt from Philomel. Steadily the rabbit was growing in intelligence. And steadily now did she start to grow in size, at a strangely rapid rate.

    But it was not aggressive. Merely it seemed to be, "By the way I am doing this now, Kay, thanks." As casually as one might get up from a chair she leapt from the bar onto the floor, and when she was there she was massive - about the size of a large dog. And then she sat there, in full view of everyone, huge ears and mighty back legs. She turned her eyes to fix a single, full dark eye on Madison and simply watched for her reaction.

    Then she gestured, with an upraised, gentle paw, first at Veridian, and then at Fenn.

    "Please can I have that," she asked in a non-vocal voice, but with a language so peculiarly based in body language that no one could understand it, in the end. "Please?"
    Last edited by Philomel; 09-14-2017 at 06:11 AM.

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