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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Scarlet snapped her gaze toward Lichensith Ulroke, her knucles were shaking, and the table was splitting under the pressure of her grip and the miasma of her corrupted soul. She had seen enough. Shinsou was alive. Shinsou... never bothered to contact her, to let her know he was safe. The drunken wreck before her was all over another woman. It was clear. He had moved on and left her in the dust.

    Her grip slowly loosened on the wood and Scarlet sighed. "Him being near me has the same effect as that soul vial. I hate it." Scarlet closed her eyes and took a few deep steadying breaths. Perhaps... what was said all those years ago held some sort of truth. He was a playboy, a man who took what he wanted and at the time, he wanted her. That was then, now.

    Scarlet felt a familiar coldness wash over her. The cold unfeeling sensation. She had to concentrate on that, that's what her Master wanted after all. That was what she was now. Nothing more than a monster, and unlike those moments before she was ok with that. It was fitting.

    Opening her Scelera gaze she turned her eyes onto Lye, blood seeped from his wound but he had returned to his usual self. There was something odd in her gaze, it was pain which sought comfort from the one constant that was in her life. The constant of her abusive master. She blinked, then it was the concern as her eyes danced between his wound and his face. She blinked finally... a calm acceptance.

    Scarlet continued to explain what had occured, lifting a shaky hand to brush hair away from her forhead. It felt...unreasonably warm. A fever perhaps? She gave her head a slight shake, her voice low. "I thought he was dead. I tried to find him after that day but it seems he was preoccupied." The word held no malice, no pain. Just... an emotionless acceptance. "You always were right, Ulroke." Her gaze sweeped over the patrons.

    A drunken Telgradian practically groping a brunette with shimmering eyes and taught muscles beneath clean armour...catgirls, far too many of them, pale skinned beauties, giants and members of the Tarot. They were all just noise.

    It was all just...static.

    It was then the man told her it was time to go, but not only her, told Amari it was time to go. "Didn't you say you killed her?" Scarlet asked, studying his gaze. Scarlet went to push herself up off the table, but the world span hard and fast around her and she felt her stomach heave. She covered her mouth as she retched, black pile peaked through her fingertips and splattered the floor in tiny droplets that hissed as though it were acidic tar.

    She was falling, and then -

    She had an arm around her waist. He had caught her. A bitter laugh bubbled through her lips. Still stained from whatever she had expelled from her. "I always was just an object to you, wasn't I?" Her eyes stared at the ground. "I'm yours, you own me." Her words came out as breathed whispers between insane giggles. "Toys break Ulroke."

    Beneath her dress there was a crack, and the very sleeve was eaten away as a hiss escaped; black mist formed around the wound. Her soul. It wafted around her arm like a sickly cloud. Small and sparse but its presence was an omen.

    She really was breaking.

  2. #2

    EXP: 87,404, Level: 12
    Level completed: 81%, EXP required for next Level: 2,596
    Level completed: 81%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,596

    Lye's Avatar


    Lichensith Ulroke
    What a mess. This creature, capable of so much destruction yet alluring enough to bed some of Althanas' stronger men was now faltering in his arms. The black cracks that ebbed across porcelain skin spread. From them, a corrosive miasma of dark essence sapped into the air. The cloth of his sleeve around her hissed, grayed, then became powder. He righted the woman if not to save his attire from melting away into dust and brushed himself off. He scowled as if trying to remove fetid shit from his robes.

    This wasn't Amari. She was right, he killed her. Amari died and now he had this tool. Lye took a moment over his shoulder to glance at Madison. Maybe she could do something. If not, maybe this monster would actually break and disappear. Gone with the rest of his mistakes.

    "Don't forget your place, slave. Property doesn't call me by my name." With his command of the shadows, he urged a grip around her neck and forced her forward. He did so with such aggression that she acted more like a battering ram opening the door than a human being.

    Shinsou, Philomel, the Tarot. Now was not the place nor the time to put them down. Those obstacles would be removed one way or another. If not by him, than someone else.

    Lye followed suit behind Scarlet and into the rain once more. As he passed, he caught a glimpse of Tobias Stalt. The assassin's skin heated for a moment. Despite their bitter history, the two were somehow cordial to one another. Yet, all it took was a blink or nudge and one's blade would find the throat of another. For now, their loose alliance stood. The assassin walked on as the mercenary made sweet on a familiar looking nekojin.

    Finally, the two were gone and the tavern was that much better off.

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 1,998
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,998

    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ven frowned. Only wanted fun? Leave? Is that what she really thought of him? That... That couldn't be right. He wasn't like that. He was sure he wasn't like that... So why did she think That?

    And why did they talk about him as if he wasn't there? Also, why were they so heated in their conversation? The mere words of Ayaka seemed to pain Eteri.

    Ven didn't like how this was turning out.

    So Ven did what he always did when he disliked something.

    React on his first instinct.

    "Hold on,let's back this up a few notches girls. First off, Eteri... Do you really believe that?" He asked her.

    She didn't answer, but that was answer enough.

    Ven looked apologetic and hugged Eteri. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You should never feel that way around me. You don't need to be happy all the time for me to be happy. I'm more happy with you... just being you."

    He then wiped a tear from her eyes, then turned to Ayaka. "And you. You're sister deserves alit more credit than you give her. She's kind, brave, and one of the best friends a person could have. I don't know about whatever you may have, nor may I not know a lot about souls, but that's is no excuse. Harsh words are not helping, not now. You are intelligent, thus you should know there is a tone and place for everything."

    Ayaka stared at him then at Eteri. "Not lovers my pert, heart shaped ass." she said as she slapped the table hard. "I need a drink. Do what you want, Eteri. Don't come crying to me when he leaves you in the dust." She left the table after that.

    And thus timeline is kinda synched after temporary leave many posts
    Last edited by Venex Apara; 09-18-2017 at 11:24 PM.
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  4. #4

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 29
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 29

    Ayaka's Avatar


    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    "Really?" Ayaka asked, an amused grin on her slightly glossed lips. "Normally one comes to a place like this for three reasons." She held out a hand to further illustrate her point, raising a perfectly manicured finger with each sentence. "A quick fuck. To forget. A shady deal." She lowered her hand and reached out for yet another shot glass. "And you, Tobias are looking for a shady deal. A lead. How disappointed you must be." She chastised. The way his shoulders sagged did not go unnoticed by the astute feline.

    Her tail unfurled from his leg and twitched as she considered her next words. Her hazy mind trying to find place for them, and trying to decide if the man were worth their time. "I recall rumours of a battle filled with enchanted Crystal Swords. My darling sister said that girl there." Ayaka gestured toward the red-headed woman, who was sitting at a table across from the bar. "Has one belonging to She-The Snake. I wonder... if a silver tongued man such as yourself could enchant the woman to p-"

    Her words caught in her throat and her eyes widened as she watched the scene unfold. The girl her soul... it was already a volatile and scary thing. That's a part of why she wanted Tobias to waltz over there and make a complete fool of himself, it would have been entertaining but no. This...

    "This..." The words escaped her lips and she set the glass down on the bar, sliding off of his lap. If there was one sure-fire way to sober up, this was it. Fear set in the pit of Ayaka's stomach and her hair and fur bristled. Ears low against her head. "We need to go." She gripped Tobias tightly, taking a cautious step toward the exit. The redheaded started laughing and skin started to break. Ayaka could feel the miasma of death and decay surround the area. This woman, she was something else entirely.

    Then, as quickly as the miasma appeared, the silver haired man had through some sort of magic picked up the redhead by her throat. Her legs dangled inches above the floor and she was literally rammed into the door, forcing it open. Ayaka's entire body was tense. She waited for any sign of the two returning, but the stench and that miasma was slowly fading.

    Her heart beat hard and fast against her chest. Eyes still focused on the door.

    What the fuck was that?

  5. #5

    EXP: 49,012, Level: 9
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 4,988
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,988

    Tobias Stalt's Avatar


    Tobias Ebericht Stalt
    Human, Dehlosian
    Tobias never liked it when people tried to play him. He heard the prodding words of the woman and his eyes followed her. His body language might have sold her on his intentions, but there was no way that this woman could know the extent of that.

    So, what did this woman want from him? It was certain now that Ayaka had a motive, and it went beyond alcohol. She started to talk, but abruptly stopped herself in a fit of horror. Her hands molested him and she pleaded with him to leave.

    "You're not making any sense," Tobias spoke flatly, and he pushed the Nekojin off of him unceremoniously. The Dehlosian never had much affinity for Althanian magic, and whatever phenomenon now assailed Ayaka flew over his head.

    He placed a scabbard on the table in front of him and stared up over it at the cat-woman. "You were saying something about swords," he changed the subject abruptly. "You know where I can find my informant, or are you just trying to scam me out of more gold?"

  6. #6

    EXP: 4,971, Level: 2
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 29
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 29

    Ayaka's Avatar


    Ayaka yoko
    Halfbreed Nekojin

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    "God fuckin' are you dense?" Ayaka snapped back as she shoved Tobias hard in the shoulder, swinging him around and pointing to the blackened holes on the floorboards. Still hissing from the bile which had seeped from the redhead. "Some literal fuckin' mana bomb just walked out that front door. Fuck." Ayaka slammed her hand hard down on the bench, still worked up from the ordeal. "Fuck!" She repeated picking up the shot glass and downing it.

    "That fuckin' gold was not enough to deal with this shit." Her throat burned and fur bristled. "No one told me the fuckin' swordsman would be a limp fuckin' shit when it came to magic."

    Ayaka sighed as she pressed her hand to her head. Game over. Everything may as well be in the open now. "Look. Tobias. your night isn't a waste." Ayaka continued to hold her head, nursing the headache that came from this shit show. "They told me you were smarter than this. I suppose I gotta give you some credit. I am your informant, dick-nuts. I was expecting you. I wasn't expecting to deal with the whirlwind shit-show that is my sister, and I thought to myself... 'you know what Ayaka, you may as well enjoy yourself for once. Fuck it' have a few drinks and make sure you got the right guy.' "

    Tobias narrowed his gaze at her, "You're the informant? You're REALLY bad at it."

    Ayaka sighed. "No shit. It's not my usual line of work."

    The sweet works and coy touches were gone, and Ayaka who was fulled by adrenaline and fear, grabbed Tobias by the cuff of his shirt and pulled him close to her, enough so that their foreheads touched and each breathed deep of the sickly sweet scent of his toxic brew. "I heard a rumour about some dwarves up in the God's Hands who claimed to have found relics from the war of the Tap. Of course, that's wicked unreliable." She let him go and he arched back and away from her.

    "Some leather-bound, black hood wearing sod paid me to do it. Frankly. I don't care what you do with the information. I got my coin, I even managed to pry a few drinks from your deft little fingers. My job here is done."

  7. #7
    Apathy Elemental

    EXP: 114,186, Level: 14
    Level completed: 68%, EXP required for next Level: 4,814
    Level completed: 68%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,814

    Briarheart's Avatar


    Madison Freebird

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    Aloof, I stood there by the staircase and watched Lye grab Amari and leave. Poor thing was bracing herself on the table, looking like she was about to throw up before being dragged out the front door.

    I unconsciously reached into my robe and clutched the blue vial that I was given.

    I could just run.

    Leave Ulroke to clean up after his own messes for a change.

    None of this really concerns me. Amari's breakdown, Ulroke's dreams and aspirations, and the key to them all stashed away in the First Sanctum.

    Go back to my little home in Concordia, and ignore it all. Burn the book, send Zavine off to a brothel or an asylum or whatever would take her.

    Whatever happened, I would survive. I would find a way to make it through whatever would come.

    "I'm making a huge mistake," I muttered softly to myself as I made my way back to my table.
    Last edited by Briarheart; 09-20-2017 at 10:23 AM.

  8. #8

    EXP: 49,012, Level: 9
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 4,988
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,988

    Tobias Stalt's Avatar


    Tobias Ebericht Stalt
    Human, Dehlosian
    Tobias was not a slow man.

    Of the things he had learned over years of harsh life in Althanas, he met many different types of people and heard hundreds of strange tales. He had never known an affinity for the strange magic of this world, and the less he came in contact with it frankly, the better. When he saw black acid eat away at the floorboards, his eyes moved over to the catty woman and his torso shifted.

    "To hells with the job," he spat as his hands moved and he roped one arm around her waist to pull her close. The other held a short, iron blade concealed perfectly so only she could see it. To anyone else, it might appear as though he were pulling her in for a kiss. The dagger rested softly against her navel, the flat end pressed to her body so as to avoid cutting.

    "I came out here for information and I appreciate that you have been so forthcoming, but gods, you could say anything right now and it still sounds like you took money from someone who wants me dead." His voice was naught but a harsh whisper. "I need some assurance that you don't share the sentiment. I want you to go up to the God's Hands with me."

    He held her gaze evenly, but his smile was unflinching.

  9. #9
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next Level: 1,998
    Level completed: 34%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,998

    Venex Apara's Avatar


    OOC: Since this has pretty much died now,
    And it's now October, I put forward the motion to submit this thread.
    Oh look, another generic signature

    Fun stuff
    - Cupcake box: here

  10. #10
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
    EXP required for next Level: 0

    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Hoooo boy, that's a lot of maths. Everyone receives 1.5x EXP in honor of the Autumn Festival.

    233 EXP
    15 GP

    135 EXP
    15 GP

    150 EXP
    15 GP

    Alyssa Snow:
    158 EXP
    15 GP

    255 EXP
    15 GP

    375 EXP
    25 GP

    330 EXP
    25 GP

    353 EXP
    25 GP

    270 EXP
    25 GP

    398 EXP
    35 GP

    488 EXP
    45 GP

    660 EXP
    55 GP

    Rayleigh: 1233 EXP and 77 GP

    Cards of Fate: 1320 EXP and 66 GP

    FennWenn: 2475 EXP and 165 GP

    Atzar: 1056 EXP and 66 GP

    Venex Apara: 848 EXP and 77 GP

    Philomel: 3696 EXP and 176 GP

    Amari: 3300 EXP and 165 GP

    Briarheart: 3696 EXP and 154 GP

    Storm Veritas: 1650 EXP and 66 GP

    Ayaka: 1575 EXP and 143 GP

    Lye: 2541 EXP and 121 GP

    Tobias Stalt: 1463 EXP and 77 GP

    Rewards will be added soon.

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