Scarlet thought about Madison's words, were Hyperion's hugs really that great? A small sigh escaped her lips as she leaned back in the booth chair, the leather shifting and making squeaking noises. "I mostly felt drained after them, that and the bright flashing light sorta gave me a headache." She waved Madison off, to avoid any further discussion on the matter. It didn't mean much now.

"I was returning from some errand Ulroke sent me on, he's been very..." Sscarlet tilted her head, "On Edge lately, and protective." Madison raised a skeptical eyebrow. "I know." Scarlet mused. "I do not understand it either, it's like - when my emotions left, he somehow sucked them all up." Scarlet scoffed. "Course I know that's not the case, it was probably the wake up call he needed."

It was then, the salt and pepper man stumbled down the stairs, judging from his disheveled look, from a good round of sex with some well paid escort. He offered a round of drinks for the room, which resulted in multiple people taking up the offer, Scarlet didn't much feel like drinking any more than she already had, unless that drink was perhaps from his private reserve, it remained her favourite, even now.

"I'm pretty sure everyone in this room wants me dead, or at least very, very, mutilated." Scarlet mumbled, taking another sip from her whiskey. "Honestly if it weren't pissing down with rain, I probably wouldn't bother stickin' around. What about you, Madison. I thought that the catgirl, and the book would have kept you busy....but I see you've taken care of at least one of those already."