Tobias watched the bottom of his drink steadily grow closer, indifferent to the scenery around him. The seedy ne'er-do-wells who frequented the shadows of these establishments were like sores on his back: annoying, painful, and damn hard to get rid of. If he could manage it, the Sword Hunter would have no part of the criminal underworld on this occasion. His invitation was purely educational, after all.

"Purely educational," he nodded to himself, and swigged another sip of ale. His face lit up and his cheeks grew warm. "Gods bless the swill in countryside watering holes." The warmth radiated through his body and the buzz lingered in his ears; but Tobias had tasted far better, and he knew it.

He was halfway into a third sip when the gentle hand rested on his shoulder, and his eyes were on her before she was on his glass. Their eyes locked, and she spoke- there sheer audacity of it pricked at the edges of his lips. I'll tell you my name if you buy me a drink. He had met women with a far more extravagant price tag, granted.

"Just your name?" he asked, a smile playing at his features. He shuffled through his belongings for a few gold coins beneath the table, and with the other hand bid her take a seat. "I feel I may be getting a raw deal here, miss," he said. "Or does your name include your fine company?"

The golden eyed Dehlosian youth flashed a smile that could destroy innocence as he fished out the coins at last and hailed for a server to serve the girl her choice of alcohol. The young man was around moments later, and awaited her order. Tobias could tell a great deal about someone from their choice of drink, too.