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    EXP: 127,650, Level: 15
    Level completed: 55%, EXP required for next Level: 7,350
    Level completed: 55%,
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    Philomel's Avatar


    Philomel van der Aart (+ Veridian)
    30 (+10)
    Faun (+ Fox/Earth Spirit)
    Female (+ Male)

    View Profile
    Philomel was part the way through opening her mouth, the answer to Storm's queries and wondering on the edge of her tongue. His questions about her, what kept her going, what her life was truly, at its core. And she had listened intently, gearing up for an epic answer as all the while Veridian kept his conversation with the boy-man going.

    But then there was a thunder, and a rush of wind and a loud man came in. A whisper of silver hair, a bright pair of eyes. Clothed mostly in black he was abused by the rain, looking bedraggled but still as fierce. Still as powerful, still as -

    Philomel froze and immediately ducked her head, cursing under her breath. Pulling herself down beyond where her head could appear over the back of the chair, she looked at Storm.

    "Damn. Damn, feck."

    Her heart raced and her mind swam as she thought about he who had just came in as a tempest, roaring to someone that apparently had escaped his clutches. The whole pub was going quiet, the disturbance quite just that - disturbing.

    Quickly she looked over to the side and tried to catch the eye of one of her employees, but she - name - was entirely not paying attention. Neither was any of the others of her people with a brief look.

    "That man who just came in is Lichensith Ulroke," Philomel said quickly and quietly. "I want nothing to do with him tonight. You said you had a room upstairs? Perhaps we could continue this conversation up there? Privately," she ground a hand into a fist, the anger clear.

    Veridian meanwhile looked over to her but nodded, the idea of what would happen next forming between them. He would stay here for now, with Fenn, and in a sign of danger bring him to her.

    Philomel peeked a look back over at Lichensith who seemed to be deflating slightly. His body and muscles were sagging as he sat amongst Amari and Madison, easing between anger and ... depression. She was confused for a moment - was this really the same man who had ruined so many people's lives? Who had brought back the Crimson Hand when the world really did not need it?

    She paused and looked back to Storm. "Or we can stay. Or go. Do you want to go? I can offer you much more delight than here."

    To be frank, despite how the silver-haired snake appeared, she still knew that any encounter she might have with him would end up with blood spilt. Curses to him and that stupid tournament he had told everyone to take part in in the Crimson Hand, just so that he could seem amazing. Well she was bloody amazing now.
    Last edited by Philomel; 09-12-2017 at 03:50 PM.

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