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  1. #1

    EXP: 28,286, Level: 7
    Level completed: 17%, EXP required for next Level: 6,714
    Level completed: 17%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,714

    Nekoprincess's Avatar


    Rainee Azure Miyami
    "Mommy! I want a drink! We've been traveling all day! I want milk NOW!" Mylie whined cutely, her tail twitching eagerly as she tugged on her mother's arm.

    Rainee groaned her ears twitching from her little girl's incessant whining. However she was in luck, a tavern was coming into their sights.

    It didn't look well-kept, but it certainly would get them out of the rain that was falling with an incessant PLOP ONTO the mother-daughter pair. Grabbing her little angel's hand she pulled her towards the creaky wooden door murmuring "Your in luck honey, a tavern is right here! You'll get your milk after all!" Rainee finished, her hand pushed the door openly easily.

    Her eyes widened in shock as she pulled her daughter close, this tavern was a mad house. She could see a group gathered playing cards in the corner. Drunken garble heavy in the air. Letting out a soft meow she pulled her little girl close whispering "Do you want to go somewhere else for your milk honey?"

    Mylie giggled, poking her mother in the chest she whispered innocently "Don't worry mommy! You'll be fine! You used to be more fun! Come on live a little!"

    Rainee groaned her white tail swishing rapidly, before she released her rambunctious sweetie and let her drag her to the barkeep. Staring at the barkeep Rainee said softly "One milk please and....aww hell a glass of white wine..." Her daughter told her to lighten up and live a little, so what the hell, the cat-girl would treat herself this one time. However she stared into her daughter's mischievous green eyes saying strictly "No trouble sweetie, I mean it, we are only going to stay as long as you be a good girl!"

    "Fine mommy!" Mylie exclaimed loudly as the barkeep served the little girl her milk in a tall glass cup and then gave Rainee her white wine.

  2. #2

    EXP: 18,921, Level: 5
    Level completed: 83%, EXP required for next Level: 1,079
    Level completed: 83%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,079


    Sivienna Mizami
    Haide/Tular Plains
    Sivienna was walking quietly across the cobblestone streets of Corone, her kistune was curled sleeping on her shoulder. She actually felt good for once. Rianna wasn't chasing her, she had caused her father to slink back into the shadows where he belonged. No problems were batting at her door.

    Moving to stroke Serenity's head she whispered happily 'For once we are going to relax Serenity! No problems!" Spotting a tavern up ahead, Sivi giggled happily as she murmured "Perfect!"

    Her kistune yipped sleepily, turning a sleep filled chocolate brown eye on her mistress, she barked softly "Go have your fun mistress! I know you need it!"

    The night vixen's only response was "Thank god for fun!" she then made a beeline straight for the tavern's door, eagerly pushing it up.

    She heard the normal loud drunken banter, she could see a game of cards was being played in the center. A half-smile came to her lips as she thought Maybe I"ll join the card game after a a few drinks!

    Moving a strand of her lavender hair aside, she sauntered up to the barkeep, a smile on her full soft lips as she asked excitedly "A glass of blood wine please!"

    The barkeep raised an eyebrow as he prepared the night angel's drinking asking quietly "Happy about something?"

    Sivi's lavender eyes lit up as she answered easily "Just in bliss at finally being free from problems!"

    Placing the vampiress's glass of blood wine in front of the beauty, the barkeep said dryly "This is the perfect place for ya to relax then! Enjoy yourself!"

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