The 'for some reason' rabbit blinked slowly as the girl with no hair, fur or really anything at all but plants and eyes got up from leaning over the tiny boy-man-blone. Tilting her head she watched as she walked back to the table with the red-flame-hair that the rabbit had a vague sense was dangerous and a silverhaired man that some distant memory floating from Philomel-food-giver said was dickhead. With a slight understanding Mao considered that it was better to stay away from these people, despite her current size and beauty. She twitched her nose that was the size of a pint glass, and bent over to sniff the boy-man-blonde.

He seemed alive. Which was good. So something was right. She thought.

And there was also a massive giant. Scary and big, even bigger than Mao right now, which the rabbit did not like. He was likely to be avoided too, until Mao was with rock-worm Delath. That dragon was nice. He was a good beast to be around, just in case the sky ever fell on your head and a world war began. Besides, they were all seemingly wanting to play with those stiff pieces of paper which had already got boy-man-blonde into trouble.

Lets ... go, came a very uneasy gasp.

Looking over Mao saw the struggling figure of Veridian still on top of the counter. He looked awful, his body half on fire as his own flaming self tried to fight the poison that plant-girl had spat at him. Seeing as Veridian was 'one of them' Mao knew that it was probably worth her while getting him to safety. Only needing to stretch herself up slightly she ignored all the shocked murmurs from the crowd as they saw this giant rabbit being gentle. For she very delicately then shifted her foot-long muzzle underneath the small fox form and took him from counter to ground.

Where he gave her a weary, thankful gaze and then sighed as another shudder ran through him.

Of course the counter was left with a fair few holes from the acid and plenty of scorch marks but that did not matter, did it, really?

Veridian huumped and looked to Fenn. Uneasily, a look of agony in his eyes he leant over and wrote in very horrible, barely readable letters.


He huffed and slumped and Mao let out a strange sound - an actual rabbit grunt. She then proceeded to try to shift Veridian onto her back, all the while keeping it open for the boy-man-blonde to climb aboard also. For he would fit, he was small enough. And he was invited. But if he refused she would need to go. For Veridian certainly was not doing well.