The heat from his hand enclosed over hers seeped deep into her skin and prickled up her arm. It wasn’t unwelcome, but it was slightly uncomfortable. He spoke as though she were to live here with them. “Jake…” He didn’t hear her, he went on about horses and steeds. “Jake!”

He turned to look at her, he glanced down at their hands and he quickly let hers go. “Sorry!”

Amari shook her head, “Jake… You speak as though this is intended to be my home, but I have a home. I have a family. I - “ She paused as the half-elf interrupted her and shifted her vision away from him with a pointed finger. In the distance there was a small town upon the horizon. Surrounded by trees there were countless coloured rooftops, plumes of smoke wafted up into the clear sunny skies. “Aradine…?” She questioned, “I have never left my family estate before.” She admitted, before, Amari thought it a normal thing, but seeing the town below, so filled with signs of life - she began to wonder what exactly she had been shut away from.

“Never been off the estate?” Jake repeated. “Well then, we’ll have to celebrate! Just as soon as I get my hands on some coin… it will be easy, with you as a distraction. Redheads aren’t so common in Corone, and well…” he trailed off.

Amari instinctively pulled on her hair, “Brother said the same thing about Salvar…” Concern laced her voice. “Is there… something wrong with me?” she asked. “Is that why father was so aloof, and never allowed me to meet others?” Amari had to remind herself that she couldn’t trust this youth. He had taken her away from her home, and spoke of thievery and looting like it was nothing. Still, her curiosity got the better of her.

“What? No, Amari there’s nothing wrong with you. I don’t know why your father treated you as he did, but I’m sure it had to do with him, not you. And before… all I was going to say is that you’re particularly beautiful. You’ll be turning mens’ heads in Aradine, for certain.”

Amari offered Jake a wry smile, his words were sweet but they made her feel homesick. “Brother said the same thing.” Amari turned away from Jake as they headed into town. Amari became painfully aware of how little she wore, and of the lack of footwear she wore. She could feel the dirty ground, and the smaller rocks pinched her skin. “J-Jake.... People are staring.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” Jake said, “just keep walking toward that store. I’ll meet you there.” He nodded at a shop front several buildings down which displayed clothing and footwear, and then stepped away from her side and disappeared into the crowd.

Amari felt a sudden feeling of alarm wash over her as he slipped away from her and disappeared, she tried looking for him but had no sight of him.

“Miss, are you alright?”

A man had stopped in front of her, a look of concern on his features. “You look…” His steel blue eyes glanced up and down her form. “Out of place. No shoes, no real….clothing.” He stepped in closer, as though observing her pale features. “You look like you fell out of bed.”

“I-I’m Amari!” Amari said as she quickly bowed, “Pleasure to meet you, I ah…” She pointed to the store Jake had told her to head to. “I need to go there.”

The man blinked and looked over his shoulder at the small shop. “Ah! Restchilds!” He offered her a playful grin. “I can see why. You could certainly use some of their wares.” He returned her introduction with one of his own. “I am Noel. I am from Ettimere but am passing through here. Pleasure to meet you miss Amari. Would you like me to escort you there?”

Amari hesitated, taking a step away from the man. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it, he seemed nice enough, but so did Jake...and Jake had taken her away from her home. “A-Alright...but … can you tell me how far away we are from Salvar?”

Noel blinked in confusion. “Salvar? It’s across the ocean. A weeks travel at least, is that where you’re from?” The two began to walk toward the store, and the crowd parted for them. Noel was at least two heads taller than her, his long black hair tied neatly in a low ponytail behind him. He was well toned, with muscular arms. “It’s further than Ettimere that’s for sure. You from there?”

Amari gave a small nod, keeping pace behind him. “Y-yeh… I was hoping to go back...but I…” She paused as he stepped in front of her to open the door to the shop. A small bell chimed. She gave the man a confused look before stepping on through.

“Nothing good in Salvar, Miss Amari. But if you wish to return home, I may be able to be of some assistance.”