Her eyes widened at the sight, and she took a few steps back. “I-I….” She struggled to find the right words to explain it. Rolling skies of blue, the sound of the rolling waves, the taste and smell of salt on the air. “Is that..the ocean?” Amari breathed, her eyes staring at the large crystalline spire that seemed to magically pierce the skye and cast a glimmering light on the surrounding town.

“W-wait…” She tore her eyes away from the scenery to rest on Jake. “You said you wished to nap? Do you plan to do so here?”

“I’m fine,” Jake said, although the dark circles under his eyes betrayed him. “Do you want to get a closer look at the water?”

Amari wanted to say yes, she wanted to explore this new place, even with her family waiting...she had two days till they returned home. Still… “Jake…” Amari stepped closer to him, her voice laced with concern as she reached out to brush his hair away from his eyes. “You sound tired. You never got to sleep the other night, did you?”

“I got a few winks here and there,” Jake said, putting on a brave smile that crumpled beneath her concern. “Alright Amari, look, let’s get to my friend Raff’s place. I can nap there, and I’m sure he’d take you to see the alchemist, if you like.” He patted the pocket containing the syringe with the bit of serum remaining.

Amari frowned, remembering the very real and very dire situation she was in. She was across the sea from Salvar...with a half elf she barely knew, who may or may not have drugged her and taken her against her will. “R-right.” Amari gave Jake a nod who wearily smiled back at her and began to lead her through the streets of Akashima.

As they passed by the various shops, and stalls the redheaded noble couldn’t help but notice something odd about some of the inhabitants. Fluffy ears. Tails. Fur. “Cats…?” She asked, confused. Did they have big bipedal pets here? Was that even possible? Some of them looked more human than others.

“Those are the Nekojin,” Jake explained, “try not to stare at them too much. They aren’t usually prickly about it, but you never know…” He gave one of the passing cat people a smile and a half-bow. “They’ve been in Akashima as long as anyone can remember.”

I want to pet one…

Amari had to duck out of the way of an extremely exuberant one, the girl looked more human than anything else, a short blue bob, blue ears and a tail, she came bounding down the street, laughing maniacally. “A-are they all….” She watched the blue headed catgirl leave a trail of chaos behind her. “So...energetic? Is your friend Raff one?” Amari covered her mouth, realizing her faux paux. “I am sorry…. Was that rude?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Jake laughed, “and no, Raff is an Akashiman human. You’ll like him, he’s very friendly.” The smell of fish grew strong as they progressed alongside a low wharf. The dwellings here were all ramshackle wood, stacked dangerously on top of one another up to five stories high. It both unnerved and excited Amari to see something so starkly different.

Down another street, and another corner, they came upon a tall rickety staircase, which they climbed to the top tier of the buildings. Jake stopped at a particular oaken door and knocked in a distinct pattern. A youthful male voice burst from within, followed by a small Akashiman boy.

“Jake! I didn’t expect to see you for another few months!” The boy nearly tackled Jake off the top of the swaying wooden construct, and the two wrestled along the dangerously creaking railing.

Amari’s heart beat fast against her chest. That’s it...Jake was going to get them killed. Him and this...this boy...they were going to knock her off the railing and she’d loose her footing and she’d… Amari turned pale an immedietly gripped the railing hard.

“Stop it!” Jake laughed, “Look, Raff, I brought a friend. This is Amari. Amari, this is my Akashiman brother, Rafael.” Amari gave him a nod, refusing to let go of the rails.

“Pleasure, to meet you…” She spoke, even with her trepidation it was clear she had a noble accent. She lowered her head again as a sign of respect to Rafael.

“Jake, why’d you bring a noble-lady to this neck of the woods?” Raff bowed low over the redhead’s hand. “Forgive me, milady, didn’t mean to startle you.”

“I-inside please..if you don’t mind!” Amari blurted out, then immedietly flushed and wished she hadn;t. Amari wasn’t afraid of heights… she had climbed the tree in the yard back home, but that tree was stable, and it felt safe. This didn’t feel like either of those two things. “Jake needs rest.” Amari added, hoping it’d coax the dark haired youth to let them into his abode.

“Oh, of course,” Raff exclaimed, almost tripping over his own feet to hold the door for her. “You’re welcome here, milady. Hope you don’t mind the mess too much…”

Amari nodded and stepped into the room. It was an understatement to call it ‘messy’ In the centre of the room sat a low table one would have to kneel to sit at. Upon further inspection there seemed to be a recess in the floor, so you could comfortably place your feet underneath it. There were crumbled up food packets strewn across the floor, in the corner sat a pile of dirtied clothes, and in another...dishes. Amari clenched her teeth and had to avoid the temptation to start tidying up. There were two other doors that lead to other rooms, one semed to be quite rowdy. “Thank you for your hospitality…” Amari quietly said as she carefully stepped between the trash and sat at the cleanest looking space at the table. She fiddled with her hands, waiting for both him and Jake to join her before she blurted out.

“Actually...I need help too. If you do not mind. Jake could quite possibly explain it far better than I can.” Amari turned to Jake, almost pleading for him to continue.