Jake rolled over in his slumber and nearly pitched off the narrow bed, awakening with a start. He re-adjusted to the strange sounds and smells of Raff’s house. He yawned and stretched and wandered back through the dining room and outside.

The wooden walkway swayed slightly in the stiff, fish-smelling breeze coming off the water, but the sun had barely budged in the sky. Although he felt quite restored, Jake realized that he had not slept for long. Perhaps half of an hour at most. He eased the silk scarf around his neck and plucked at the sweaty collar of his sifan shirt.

“Hey, Jake!” A voice called from inside. It was one of Raff’s housemates, and partners in crime. The small neko girl waved. Might be a good thing Amari didn’t run into her. The half elf considered.

“Hello,” Jake said, waving back. He didn’t think he’d ever met the little catgirl before, but his reputation did precede him in certain places.

“We’re about to go steal some horses and ride down to Yanbo Harbor. There’s a big fight at the arena there. Someone called the Breaker is matched up against the only red belt in Akashima!”

Jake perked up at the idea, but had a feeling that he should head after Raff and Amari. He felt slightly guilty for letting the girl go off alone with the boy she’d just met, but he trusted Raff completely. All the same…

“I better not,” Jake said, leaning on the creaking railing, “I’m bound for the Warlock’s.”

“Suit yourself!” The neko girl said. In short order she and a procession of seven other youngsters exited the residence, the wooden walkway bowing beneath their weight as they made their way down the stairs.

Jake thought about portaling directly to the alchemist’s yard, but decided against it. The man’s security did not fancy suddenly appearing half elves, and he could use the exercise, anyway. Jake climbed down the creaking stairs and made this way through the bustling capital toward the Warlock’s estate.