Amari paused in front of the girl, looking her up and down. “The Dark Mother?” She asked skeptically. “Really?” Amari didn’t appreciate the insinuation that she couldn’t fight, but she couldn’t exactly blame the girl. First appearances would suggest Amari was nothing more than a diplomatic visitor. “If I recall, I’m just to keep an eye on you.” Amari turned her back on Samantha and began toward the forest. “To make sure you’re the one that can fight.”

Samantha snorted at that fact before she said firmly, “Don't feed me a line. You're my chain. If you think I'm about to run you'll yank. I'm not stupid, I know a cage when I see it.”

Amari’s lip quirked up into an amused smirk. “More or less, but you’re to serve as a distraction too, no?” Amari shoved her hands into her jacket pockets as she slowed down into a more leisurely stroll. They had plenty of time, and Amari was in no rush. It was good to be away from Salvar once in awhile. She wanted to enjoy her time, and to do so, she had to at least try to get along with the girl. Even if it was just to fish for information. “You’re to stop me from snooping around in the cults business, I get too close and you’ll yank.”

Samantha shrugged, “Of a sort. The Dark Mother has been preparing for her ascension. Your visit came during a...delicate time. However, other than that I'm afraid I'm a mushroom.”

And there it is, that ascension bullshit. Master did warn me they were a bunch of lunatics, acting as though one could actually become a thayne. Do they all honestly believe that tripe?

Amari scoffed, but kept her thoughts to herself. “Sounds pretty stupid.” herself. Amari noted the look Samantha shot her and continued. “Not so much the....” Amari drew out her hand from her jacket pocket and rolled it around, “ascension thing…I mean you.” A brief silence fell between the two, sticks snapping beneath their footsteps. “You clearly have more use than that I mean. You look capable enough at least.”

“My capabilities don't factor into my treatment,” She replied truthfully, “I'm doing this to be afforded more freedom than I had before. Let's get to business shall we?”

There was no current ‘business’ to attend to, besides heading toward their destination, Samantha didn’t want to continue the conversation, and as curious as Amari was. She didn’t pry. She knew how annoying it was. Instead, Amari enjoyed the silence. She enjoyed the tree lined path. Unlike Salvar this place was filled with wildlife. Amari took in a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the loamy earth and the tickle of the green trees.

“My target is a former member of the Ixian Knights, Anastasia Rios. Not a capable combatant, but clever. She apparently moved her schedule around so by the time she was noticed a day had gone by. If she's avoiding the northern forest, it's two days till she's at the edge of Concordia. We think she's heading to Radasanth to report in to the Scarlet Witch,” Samantha explained, “I suggest we don't skirt the north, and cut her off before she leaves. If you are afraid, we can follow her, she may be clever, but she'll leave tracks.”

“I’ve only ever experienced fear once in my life, and I doubt some fallen knight will make me feel it again.” Amari muttered, kicking at a loose rock. She watched it roll across the dirt path.

“It's not the knight I'm afraid of, she's a doctor, not a fighter. It's the N’jalian Spider Magi to be afraid of, we skirt their territory, further north is their nests,” Samantha explained.

“That all?” Amari said, she wasn’t afraid of the spiders either but felt it better left unsaid. “No point in skirting around them, if we need, we charge straight through. Whatevers quickest really, you’re leading the way. I specialize in ranged attacks, and something like that shouldn’t be a problem for me.”

“I'm already in one fate worse than death, what's another?” She gave Amari a brave grin before she replied, “Honestly I should be able to tell if they're in the area. That's all we'd need to avoid them. If we catch her before she reaches the roads, we can make sure she isn't going to get anywhere fast. We might need to camp at night but I have till the end of the week to get back, unless you need to be somewhere….” She left the words hanging, as if she was fishing for a response.

“Not really.” Amari glanced back to the road in front of her. “To be honest, its nice. Being out here in the forest. We have forests in Salvar, one near where my compound is, but they’re riddled with things far worse than a few overgrown spiders.” Amari reached out and let her hand graze over a nearby tree trunk, its coarse bark prickled her skin and sent waves of minute energy up through her arm. Amari knew little of her race, but she knew that it thrived in the forest. No doubt a reason why Ulroke had her on such a tight leash.

“You know, I could say I am in a prison of sorts too, but I always slip through the bars, much to my Masters disappointment.” Amari continued to allow her fingers to traverse each tree they passed. “Far be it from me to judge someone who appears to be in the same position as I, but there is a difference between us. I’m content with where I am and what I do. You-” Amari paused. Her eyes shifting toward the silver haired woman. “You don’t. You’re in a cage of their design.” Amari sighed as she shoved her hands back into her jacket pockets. “I wonder how pissed they’d be if I were to take you back with me.”