“I killed mine.” Amari said simply as she watched Samantha slowly open and close her eyes. Amari pushed back strands of Samantha’s hair away from her face and behind her eyes. Such a macabre sentence, and yet, it didn’t bother the woman one bit. She had come to terms with murdering her father and brother, both were monsters who deserved it.

Samantha tensed hearing those words before she shook her head, “I might not like my Dad, but I don't think I could kill him…”

“Your dad…” Amari wasn’t sure if she should continue the sentence, it was clear Seth Dahlios loved Samantha, but it was equally clear that she did not like him. That was the difference, Seth had a semblance of care toward her. Amari’s father did not. He cared for nothing but to further his hold over Salvar and to fatten his pockets. Scarlet continued to lightly stroke Samantha’s hair. “He loves you.” Amari whispered to the other woman. It was said in earnest, she had to know. She was gripping at lost strands and Amari would rather not see her fall deeper into the hands of whatever shit show the cult was.

Samantha opened her eyes and looked up into Amari’s. Pain was in those eyes, pain and frustration, “Well he has a funny way of showing it.”

“So do you.” Came Amari’s reply as her thumb gently grazed over the others cheek. It held a heaviness to it, one that the red headed assassin hoped Samantha would understand.

She hugged Amari tightly and whispered, “I need him. Thayne Scarlet when he was in my life I pushed him away, now that he's gone I wish he wasn't. I feel like I'm drowning, and I'm doing everything I can to keep above water…” she closed her eyes, “And here you are listening to me blubber like some child who misses her parents.” A hand went to her hair as she gripped it tightly and vented a sigh in frustration.

Amari pulled Samantha’s hand away from her face, detangling her fingers from the silver hair. The girl was right. She was blubbering and whilst part of it did bother Amari, she decided to let the girl vent. She so very clearly needed it and part of it resonated with Amari. “Keep your eyes closed. What would you say to him if he were here?” Amari asked, if she kept Samantha talking, eventually, she would drift off to sleep, it may not be a sound sleep, but it’d be a deep one nonetheless. One that the ‘warden’ so sorely needed.

“I...can't do this. I feel like I'm pushing through the darkness, and I'm using my sword to cut down the monsters that come for me, but I'm losing. I can't find my way out, they just keep coming….” She said softly. Pain entered her voice, “Get me out of here, I can't stand it. I try to pretend, but...I feel like I'm losing myself. There are moments I'm terrified of what I've done...mistakes I can't take back…” her voice drifted as the emotions burst forth like a dam from her mouth. She was slowing as the emotions purged from her system and the fatigue obviously gripped her.

Amari pursed her lips. She wanted information, and she wanted fodder to use with Seth, but not like this. Not at the expense of someone else. “Your father is going to kill me…” Amari muttered before falling onto a rather restless sleep.