After this? Varin stared down at Aynur’s head, resting on his lap, trying to come up with something he’d want to do. Nothing came to him. The day seemed perfect as it was -- in the moment. Dinner was a thought, but Varin knew he didn’t really have the coin left to buy them anything exceptional. He still had some fritters left, at least, squirreled away away in his robe pockets for later. His tail flicked contentedly. Mostly, he drakari just couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than what he had right now.

Aynur made him feel warm in spite of the chill. She hugged her cloth Arie-clone and sighed contentedly.

The real Arie, meanwhile, was glaring with beady blackberry eyes down at her stuffed likeness. Giving no prior warning, she hopped huffily off of Varin’s shoulder and onto the toy. With an imputent hackling of her tail feathers, the sparrow reached forth to rip one of its button eyes off. Varin bit his tongue in surprise. “Arie, no,” he said stiffly through clenched teeth, giving her a cross stare. “That is not yours to destroy!”

The bird flapped a wing dismissively at her. Defiantly, she plucked out the other eye. Plink, it sounded as it hit the bench.

“Ssssss,” Varin hissed halfheartedly at the mess. Cotton filling poked out of the holes where the eyes once were. “You know what? Fine. I’ll fix it later.”

Glaring at his happy avian friend as she scampered back up onto his head, Varin sighed and rubbed his forehead. Sometimes, his little companion’s misbehavior gave him headaches. “I’m sorry about that,” he murmured to Aynur.

Aynur breathed, almost mumbled. “Mms’okay.” She rolled her body in toward his, one hand squeezing the plush fake-Arie. Had she even noticed what happened?

This was. Well. This was closer than he was, even now, used to being to his new friend. “A-Aynur,” he stammered back. “I still feel- I should apologize for-” For what? Arie’s behavior? But Aynur was already okay with that. He had the odd impression that there was something he needed to apologize for, but he wasn’t sure… Maybe it was this odd quivering in his chest. It felt right, yet, impure. “I am sorry, but, I think… I might like you too much. I have always been told that, well, perhaps I should not find a mate. The other castes of my lands, they are all above me. And the other sentients, humans and elves and the like, they are beneath me.” Gently, he reached out to brush a curl of brown hair back from her forehead. “But, when I am with you, I feel as if I have an equal.”

In reply, Aynur gave off a small, nickering snore. Varin blinked, and felt embarrassed, his face warming. She had been asleep the whole time.

“Nevermind,” he murmured, giving her hand a squeeze. “We can discuss it another time." She squeezed tightly back.