In the end Philomel decided not to see her.

The story would be that Stare was a friend of those who truly loved her. She would return her home, safe and sound and the matron and brother team, Ennis and Enna, would take her back, sighs of relief on their faces. Albion rode out as soon as the warehouse meeting was broken up, rising in his saddle to greet his comrade. Philomel watched them salute one another, watched the looks and saw the tiny girl tied up with rope and metal at the back of the saddle. Stare had kept to her word, and got Celandine free, and that was good. That was that. Albion took the message that Philomel trusted them now, and yes, she would agree to a tentative alliance with Sir Vitruvion.

For all the business he thought he could get with her.

Veridian didn't take long to come running over, past the grasses and over the hill.

Chains are for show, he explained. The crow will take them off when they get out of sight of the others.

Philomel hated it, but she knew it was good reason. People were already streaming from the warehouses, sporting their wares and their happy faces. They weren't as passionate to escape as much as Stare was, but no one questioned her. No one would, knowing the reputation that her master apparently had in this sector.

And it was not legal, in the slightest. These girls had never been born to slavery. And they were so young.

Philomel looked away with a pained expression, reaching to take Veridian in her arms and hug him to her face.

"We did what we set out to do. We achieved our purpose. We freed her."

And others know who she is.

"Yes, but he is our ally now. And he only knows because he figured the truth from Mushi. Stare said he is a clever man, more than a man even ... She ..."

Veridian nodded and snuggled.

And we owe him money. A lot of money.

"My daughter is worth all the money in the world."