Black Shadow went three days later to the location specified in his instructions. When he arrived, there was not much to look at, a rusted up falling apart barn, a cart with a missing wheel, and the grass around was unkempt.

He reluctantly walked up to the large door and opened it, revealing much more than he anticipated. There were at least one hundred people, most of which were in normal mercenary equipment. There was a line of people waiting in a line, in the end they would receive a full suite of the paladin armor.

Black Shadow shut the door behind him and walked up to the line, assuming this is where he would need to go.

Black Shadow watched the people ahead of them. Each one was filling out paperwork and being talked to by a paladin. Most men appeared confused, these were no soldiers.

Then one of the paladins walked up to Black Shadow. He removed his helmet and Black Shadow recognized him as the one who recruited him.

“Thank you for coming.” The Paladin said. “My name is Erin.” Black Shadow extended his hand and the two shook hands. “Why don’t you talk?” The paladin asked curiously. Black Shadow waved his hand in front of his neck, a universal sign that usually means “my tongue was cut out”. Black Shadow began to adopt this as a way to tell people he can’t talk, even though he still had his tongue.

“Oh, I see. Well thank you for joining us.” The Paladin said. “You are going to need that set of armor, those clothes won’t protect you from a thing.”

Black Shadow waved his hands in front of him, he did not do too well with armor.