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  1. #3

    EXP: 10,250, Level: 4
    Level completed: 25%, EXP required for next Level: 3,750
    Level completed: 25%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,750

    Celandine's Avatar


    9 (but looks and acts 18)
    Faun (genetically half human)
    Vast. Glorious. Magnificent. The rafters stretched high above her, huge and arching that spoke of skill in architecture which belonged to ancient masters. Shelves upon shelves, row upon row, spread out underneath them like a blanket of knowledge merely waiting to be plucked. It was a fresh buffet for any starving and eager mind, open for all but limited to only those who knew the languages and understood the deeper meanings.

    It was advantageous, then, that she was who she was. Celandine, born of Philomel Van Der Aart, the famous Matriarch, and blessed by the tree goddess Drys. The young half faun had not only grown up several times faster than was natural but also could take in, comprehend and use any knowledge within a quarter of the time of an average being. Learning weaponry had become instinctual. Picking up a new language had become simple. Reading - well, despite technically not even being a decade old yet she could easily breeze her way through a full dictionary in little more than an hour.

    There were currently four to her side. Each one a dictionary of various themes. One of phrases and quotations. One of mythological creatures and their symbology. One of literary names and meanings. And the last ...

    Currently she was going through something similar - a basic dictionary of common augury symbols and their meanings. For too long now had she been suffering under her prophetic dreams, with often little knowledge of what they actually were trying to tell her. Yes, in basics they showed an image of the day to come, an insight into a danger she might face or a person she might meet. However, more and more there was strange and wondrous other sightings in her dreams. A deer with a mighty crown, for instance, in the middle of a very urban town before she had narrowly avoided a bar brawl. A giant, whose hair tickled the sky when she had actually ended up being in a field of poppies with nobody in sight. A bird that seemed to be on fire before the day she had witnessed a crime of forestry arson. That was why she had come to this library, to better understand herself and her abilities. Because phoenixes rarely flew where she was bound. And giants were infrequently that tall.

    She sighed a little but kept reading, oblivious to the faerie who broke down weeping, the nuclear lass becoming frustrated, and the blue-haired mage who was somewhere hidden amongst the shelves.
    Last edited by Celandine; 08-07-2021 at 04:25 AM.

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