Once finished the current dictionary Celandine stood, her mind having taken in some of the words directly and significantly, the others remaining as distant understandings to be plucked at at a later time. Pursing her lips she thoughts about how she knew now that a deer could be associated with the ability to overcome obstacles, or express a connection to an ability to be resolute but also kind. Did that mean that very soon she was to come across some obstacle? Certainly she had been seeing a few different species of the cervid ungulates in her dreams. Although last night she could have sworn that she had seen a winged insectoid like creature with multiple arms.

Stretching, groaning, she picked up the dictionaries and began to reshelve them. That research would do for now. At this moment she was tired and was beginning to feel somewhat hungry. Food. Food would be good. Perhaps some dried fruit and nuts, and she was sure she had some foccaica bread somewhere rolled up in a wax cloth at the bottom of her bag.

Sliding the tomes home beside their comrades on the bookshelves Celandine padded her hooves a couple of times before looking left and right. She could hear distant voices now, ones that seemed to be arguing. But all she could see was book shelf after shelf. Grunting softly she nodded and picked a random direction, the clunk of her goat legs making a quiet rhythm on the rugs of the floor.

But she must have been very quiet. Too quiet. Because no sooner had she turned her first corner than she came face to face, crashing into a small and young-faced woman.

"Sorry!" She felt her miniature horns butt lightly on the girl's skull. Lifting up her hands she stumbled back with the impact, but was already apologetic and appalled. "Sorry!"