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  1. #1
    Ice Ice Baby

    EXP: 22,697, Level: 6
    Level completed: 39%, EXP required for next Level: 4,303
    Level completed: 39%,
    EXP required for next Level: 4,303

    Rehtul Orlouge's Avatar


    Rehtul Orlouge
    Rehtul sighed and tapped his finger against his chin, wondering how such a very reckless individual had come to ask him, one of the most careful of the Orlouge family, to help her learn how to use magic.It was quite the intriguing series of events, he had to admit, but it was clear that she wasn't really cut out for reading books that required an intense amount of concentration. He stood up and stretched and adjusted his glasses once more to settle more correctly on the bridge of his nose.

    "Honestly, I don't think you're getting much out of that book by sitting there staring at one page for twenty minutes at a time," he said as he brought crossed an arm over his chest and stretched before doing the same with the other one.

    "Maybe we should try something a little different. I'll be right back, I'm going to see if I can find a book with some exercises we can do to help you get the hang of ice magic in a way more natural to your way of doing things," Rehtul said. He slipped out from in front of his chair, slid it under the table.

    He wandered through the myriad shelves with a half smile on his face, amused that he had found a student who was so far his opposite in learning style. As he turned a corner, he came close to running into the hindquarters of a faun.

    The chestnut hair of the faun looked vaguely familiar to the young man, and without thinking about it too hard he blurted out, "Philomel?"

    He hadn't seen the woman since the time they had "technically" faced off in the Citadel, though he recalled it ended up more him keeping her pet elemental occupied for a few minutes, like playing with a dog. They hadn't talked for long afterward, other than thanking each other for the battle and leaving, though the experience was still memorable enough to the young man to warrant remembering her name.

    There was also the fact that his network of assassins and informants kept tabs on her as a high priority person of interest, but he'd never willingly divulge that particular fact.
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 08-12-2021 at 03:29 PM.

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