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  1. #11
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Felicity felt a but dumbfounded at everything going on. She blinked, hanging back a bit more. A lifetime of mistreatment, even by her loved ones, had caused her to develop strong trust issues and a sense of wariness that had worsened this past year. She still stood aloof from the rest of the group, nodding to Rehtul and Celandine, but ignoring the fae. The young woman sighed, looking over to the bookshelves and starting to run her fingers over the books on the shelf closest to her.

    "Yeah. We met before." She mumbled absently.

    When Rehtul introduced himself, Felicity reluctantly threw her name to the fold, "I'm Felicity Rhyolite."

    After leaving the Brotherhood and its fancy titles behind, her introductions simply felt too short. Felicity looked over to Rehtul and continued to follow his lead... from a distance. She looked to the bookshelves again and found herself skimming through the titles. Meenlocks - Embodiment of Fear, The Terrors of the Mind, Mind Control and The Usefulness of Harnessing the Victim's Fear. Were all these books about topics related to fear? She frowned. She came here to face her fears, yes, but right now she was standing apart from the rest of the group and flinching from the prospect of... people.

    She sighed, wondering how Leoric would regard this behavior?

    Felicity pulled a brave face, as if doing something huge, and walked over to stand next to Rehtul. She was short and stocky, muscular, compared to the ice mage. Her red hair reached down to her waistline, let down and a but tangled. Despite all the clothes meant to prevent being cut, it was obvious this girl was fit and powerful. She repeatedly reached back and pulled some hair behind her ear, a nervous twitch. The usually bubbly and outgoing girl looked to Rehtul with a look that said I'm wary, you take charge.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 08-16-2021 at 11:23 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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