Whatever the hell was going on, however the hells it was happening, Celandine had no idea. It was sudden, the change of atmosphere - from a peaceful library meeting to this violent escapade. She had been enjoying this greeting of people, of those who were a part of her past, becoming one of her present and likely her future.

She frowned a little at the icey environment, admidst all the wonder of masses of books and knowledge. Poisonous emotions clung to the air like a mist, and she felt the ground chill before the icicles exploded. One shriek - "watch out!" - she cried.

Did this Crystal person know Rehtul? It was odd, uncertain but the way they had greeted one another suggested not. But now she was attacking him! Celandine pressed herself right back against the shelves, turning her head to keep herself from any mergance of future harm.

This was a fight she did not want to be a part of. In a place entirely inappropriate.

"Watch the books!" She cried.