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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Within Xaliel, in a certain building within a certain district of the demon's capitol city. A small group of robed demons were gathered. The leader, a burly demon looked at the letter he'd received from their contact. The fourth letter in a row now. "So it's true." He says to his three other companions.

    A demon standing off to his side rubs his chin thoughtfully. "The son of House Krotar lives."

    Their leader looked away for a moment deep in thought. "He has an army and his own House now." He said calmly.

    "If this is true..." The other started to say.

    "There is not much time to waste." He pauses at that point. "Gather your best scouts, well see this new village ourselves."


    Tharak, son of Nosdyn was working with his wife, Lilly in their alchemy lab. The arcane lights within the tower were always lit and they worked virtually non stop. Only getting rest when needed.

    "It's ready." He tells his wife, Lilly.

    She nods. "Father will be pleased." Lilly said, accepting of the demon's culture and heritage. At that point they ready the rest of the security measures.

    Tharak stretches at that point. It was at that point he saw it in the pool of scrying they kept for defensive purposes. Tharak sees a small group of demons approaching their village. An envoy of sorts. Tharak has one of their undead servants summon their father and lord.


    Once he was dressed Nosdyn looks at the envoy's leader carefully. They were from Xaliel and had the proper credentials. Nosdyn knew a different type of strategy would be required for the political types. A far more dangerous sort of warfare and games. He had his arms folded across his chest as he looked at the leader calmly. Nosdyn saw disdain and repulsion in the male demon's eyes from the undead that were present. But he played along. His wife, Xelldra stood by his side as well as Tharak and Lilly. "Welcome to Theselak." Nosdyn had finally named the village since she was going to have visitors and guests.

    The demon noble looked at Nosdyn carefully. "My representative is considering your plan. So you know this matter is extremely delicate and we're pooling a lot of resources into this."

    Nosdyn always hated cloak and dagger situations. But he'd grown considerably wizened in his old age. He showed an extreme amount of restraint.

    Xelldra knew her lord though and knew when he had discomfort, that was one of those times.

    "How long do you intend to stay?" Nosdyn asked.

    At that point an old memory from Ettermire surfaced. His right eye subtly twitched. The memory was from when he was training the slums kids in Ettermire in their orphanage. That was an old and painful memory. He remembered Lancaster's boy. For a moment his right fist clenched tightly at the mere thought of Llukai Lancaster. Lancaster represented one of the major betrayals that Nosdyn had to deal with. He looked at the noble demon. The memory of Lancaster brought about a dangerous situation. He stepped forward at that point and suddenly grabbed the noble.

    "I'm going to rephrase what I just said." Nosdyn was angry by that point.

    He knew the games demon houses played with one another. He'd been trained in the fires of Ettermire. "I'm tired of playing these games. Do you agree to the plan or not? You're only welcome to visit here if you're in agreement." He threatened, too many ghosts and sins were on his shoulders by that point in his life.

    Nosdyn was changing the arrangement.

    The noble demon was held roughly by Nosdyn. "What is this?" He asked, confused.

    Nosdyn was angry at it all. Tired of the loss and heart break he had to endure in Ettermire. "You're running out of time. Do you agree or not?" He asks.

    "We agree!" The noble was released at that point and was gasping for air. And the deal was iron clad at that point.

    "Tell your lord. I don't play games here. The time for the old shadows and daggers in the dark...that's over. You either assist with my cause or get out of my way. I'm making the rules now." He kicks the noble hard and they leave in fear. "...Soft." Nosdyn concludes quickly. He walks up to his wife and kisses her deeply.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 09-14-2021 at 06:57 PM.

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