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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    A calm breeze that was warm flowed in from the west that afternoon.

    Nosdyn looked up from his bed as he held his wife. The bed felt comfortable, there was a bed sheet wrapped around the lovers that was sewn in the haidia tailoring style. It was already afternoon, they had taken their bath a few nights earlier. It had been good. Nosdyn kisses his wife. For the first time in his life, he had a balance with himself...but something troubled him. He wasn't entirely certain what was wrong. He gets out of his bed calmly and gets dressed. He looks at his wife, Xelldra for a moment. Nosdyn knew what was coming for them all. It was not N'Jal...N'Jal was a later on problem. He steps out of their house and greets various of their citizens and looks around. He looks at the tower where his son and his own wife lived and worked. He nods.

    He'd grown a lot from the night he found N'Jal in that cave...

    Thoughts from his past surface for a moment and he taps the side of his head gently.

    One of the male undead walked up to Nosdyn calmly. "Mi'lord...what's the matter?" He asks.

    Nosdyn knew that man, he was a good warrior and a loyal soldier. "Derroth." Nosdyn nods. "Just was thinking about something from before." Nosdyn explains gently to his cohort.

    Derroth nodded. "Mi'lord. Memories can oft be dangerous." He begins to counsel Nosdyn gently as the undead often did. "You went through a lot in Ettermire that would break most folks." He says. "You came out stronger in the end for it." He looks off to the west for a moment. Then he looks back towards Nosdyn. "Mi'lord people approach, likely from Xaliel." He says as he notices a small group of demon approaching the town.

    Nosdyn nods. "Here we go." The tower loomed at the front of their village. At that point was a small city. Nosdyn looks at the small group of demons from Xaliel, they were the same group he was in contact with. He folds his arm across his chest as he looked at the leader of the demons. The same demon noble from before. It was all coming around full circle. Nosdyn stands a full five paces away from the demon entourage. His eyes narrowed.

    Derroth stood by his side the whole time, and several more undead joined Nosdyn a few more moments later.

    Nosdyn spoke. "I've been through this before in Ettermire. State your purpose." Nosdyn said and perhaps sounded a little harsher than he meant to sound.

    The demon noble and his scouts looked at Nosdyn and had a sincerely confused look on his face. "After last time, my lord back in Xaliel agreed to your plans as I told you before. We're here to stay..."

    His eye twitched. "...No. You're not. We built this village on our own entirely of our own accord." Nosdyn paused for a moment and became serious. "Are you really representing this generations demons?" Nosdyn suddenly asked. He knew how demons once were...and this current stock was a poor representation.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 09-06-2021 at 02:55 PM.

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