He stood there over the corpse of the fallen as his undead allies consumed the corpses. His eyes were narrowed and he was breathing deeply, his chest rising and falling with each angry breath, his fists clenching and unclenching. He knew what he'd done there would be open warfare between Xaliel and Theselak as long as needed. Nosdyn looked ahead to the distance for a long moment. He half expected to see demon giants heading to their small and tiny city to destroy it.

But he knew, deep down there was need for strong demons who were no nonsense. He wipes the sweat off his brow and looks away from the horizon and back to his people. They were done feeding.

"Those...get rid of them. do not allow them to turn." He says to Derroth and the others. They nod.

The bodies are immediately burnt of and disposed...

Xelldra, his wife, takes a moist towel to wipe the flowing sweat off his body. "Here's a good a place as any." She says in regards to a quick bath.

He removes his leather vest.

She cleaned him off slowly primarily his large fists. She smiles at him. "Your temper was always attractive." She said with a soft smile.

He chuckled gently at that. He ran his hand gently through her braided hair. "Let's get indoors." He winked.

That was when Tharak, son of Nosdyn approached having sprinted from the sorcery tower. "My lord we have a small problem." He said gently.