Nosdyn commanded his people to rise. They did that a moment later. Nosdyn spoke at that point. "We defeated N'Jal together, we defeated Ettermire. We will defeat whatever Xaliel throws at us too!" He raised his fist to rally his people. They cheered at the corpses of the fallen. "Dismantle those corpses and feed my brothers and sisters." Nosdyn commanded. They did so and looted the bodies defiling them. Nosdyn walked up to his wife at that point. "My wife. What is it?" He asked of her.

"The game will get interesting now." She said at that point. She'd developed prophet like skills at that point. "Xaliel is frightened of you my lord. You can harm them now." She added.

"N'Jal was just the start for us. The Thayne were just the start." He explained for her. "Come my wife, I hunger." He told her truthfully he needed her.

Xelldra nodded. "Of course my lord." She responded with a soft and seductive smile. "Let's head indoors." To their estate she meant.

He agreed. Then followed his wife home.

Before then though, there was a loud squak from his courier raven. He looked up and extended his arm. The raven landed on his arm. He rubbed the bird's head gently. "What is it my old friend?" Nosdyn asked. And saw there was another parcel attached to his leg from Xaliel. Nosdyn removed the parcel and handed it over to his wife for a moment. "Read the document my love." He commanded. He fed the raven gently.

Xelldra read the document allowed to him.

He frowned. "They are cowards."

She agreed. "And they are afraid of you." She added.

"They have requested an audience." Nosdyn listened to his wife reading the parcel.

"It's likely a trap." She said gently.

Nosdyn turned towards his wife for a long moment. "They requested I go alone. But we're all smarter than that are we not?" He chuckled. "After me and you are done fucking tonight." He said. "I want to hold a town meeting." He said. "We will prepare."

She raised her eyebrow and licked her lips. "We will counter trap them." She walked home with her husband.

And once he was done feeding the raven, the raven flew off nearby to take care of animal needs. "Indeed we shall. We been through this in Ettermire." He told his wife. "No more shall we fight for scraps." He said calmly. "We're carving our own route. Without the Thayne." He said and kissed his lovely undead woman deeply.