"Alright, you've convinced me," the merchant said, and Jake let the stones fall with a clatter. The fat man scratched his belly through his nightshirt and nodded inward. "Come on inside, I'll look at my calendar and see which social events might call for an entertainer."

"Err," Jake said, "wait, there's more!" He reached into his pocket, finding nothing there but some sand leftover from a recent trip to the beach. "Witness the wonder of the Green Gallantro!" He cried, and threw the sand in the merchant's eyes.

"What the fuck!" The fat man spluttered, staggering out of his house to brush his face off in the garden. "Seriously, kid. When I clear my eyes there had better be a Kebiran elephant or something standing before me. This had better be one hell of a magic... trick." He said as he cleared his vision and found Jake menacing him with a dagger. "What the fuck?" He repeated, voice wavering as the youth grabbed a handful of his collar.

"Stay calm and this'll remain on the outside of your skin," Jake growled, laying the iron blade alongside the man's throat.

"What do you want?" The man gulped nervously, his throat bobbing. "I don't have anything for you to take! Well, okay I suppose I am fairly wealthy. Take whatever you want! Just don't hurt me. There's no one else here, I promise."

"I don't need to take anything," Jake said. "I'm just here to keep an eye on you. I've already got a crack team of specialized thieves combing through your home to find your valuables." The merchant's eyes bulged. "That's right," Jake said, stalling for time. "A crack team of specialists."