(Some of this i done on my old character lorenor but im claiming them as Nosdyn since i no longer use alts)

I have a few to claim:

reached level 5! (i am level 7 now atm)

Legendary tales! (on lorenor I was scoring 80+ consistently before the JC award so I'm not going to try to claim that one)

Won matches. (On lorenor i had a consistent win streak with him for a while)

Happy Shopper. (I frequent the bazaar a lot on almost all of my characters. On Nosdyn I completed a few purchases too)

Apocalypse Now-(i was one of the key people in that thread in question with Lorenor. I'd like to claim that as Nosdyn if at all possible)

those are the ones I can think of that I qualify for. Hope you guys can help me out. thanks for providing this sort of content shin. I know I'm asking for a bit here but especially with Apocalypse Now award I know i was def in that thread so long ago. And got a lot done.

Thanks for the assist in advance bro much appreciated!
