Gods almighty…

Whilst certainly not the most powerful spell at his disposal, Shinsou’s Enpera Kurohitsugi had been a reliable partner over the years. In all that time, the spellsword could count on one hand the amount of people who had taken it head on and lived. What he had never actually seen was anyone being struck by this dark magic and then laughing at his efforts.

Fucking Laughing.

The immediate urge was to lash out, stomp off into the village’s heart where Nosdyn was and start swinging Enpera around until the demon was dead. Since his experiences with Arius Mephisto, Shinsou, like Storm Veritas, had no patience for half measures. But, he knew that any expression of wrath in the Citadel was meaningless; there was only one way to kill Nosdyn for sure and that was the extermination of this demon outside of these hallowed walls.

For now, patience was a better master to serve, and the opportunity to test what Nosdyn was weak to was too good to pass up.

Shinsou’s soles planted firmly into the ground as knelt down and very subtly and quickly marked his personal seal in the dirt with a finger tainted with dark matter. He’d need that for later. Moments later, Shinsou Vaan Osiris walked around the debris of the house separating the pair and out into the open. A blustering wind whipped up as the man walked into the main thoroughfare; a simple road made of trodden, dying grass that carved the village in two. Nosdyn, stood in the centre of it about forty feet away now, had words for him that were intended to bait him into doing something stupid; a taunt intended for the hasty.

The Telgradian would have none of it.

Think I was born yesterday? He thought to himself as he drew Enpera by his side. Typical demon. All brawn, no brains. Let’s see how tough you are when those open wounds suffer neurotoxin, shall we?


At the touch of his words, a bright white light wove about Enpera and arcane power hissed from the sword like steam. The release of the first seal that kept Shinsou’s true power locked away suddenly stopped, and there was a moment’s silence before the Telgradian held the sword horizontally.


The command had an instant effect. Enpera’s silver blade turned jet black as the sword began to secrete a thick, viscous toxic liquid. The poison dripped on the grass below, secondary splashes of ink like liquid disturbing the remaining motes of dirt and dust and instantly turning the brown weeds to a charred black. With a single swing, an arc-shaped volley of loose black toxin washed from the edge of the sword towards the injured, but resilient Nosdyn.