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Thread: Umbral night

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  1. #1

    EXP: 3,760, Level: 2
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,240
    Level completed: 59%,
    EXP required for next Level: 1,240

    Umbra's Avatar



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    Umbral night

    ((Hey all, Can I please have my old character Sage Reincarnated for this one, Am I right in assuming that this character should be lvl 2))

    Name: Unknown
    Alias’s: Umbra

    Age: Unknown
    Race: Unknown
    Height: 6’0”
    Weight: 190 pounds
    Occupation: Mercenary

    The strong silent type. Though not without compassion, even if Umbra is self-assured in their own abilities, they are not above seeking the aid of others, they just prefer keeping their own problems to themselves. They are not one to go and do anything without a reason and their grey moral alignment is perfect for a no-nonsense type professionalism needed for their line of work, especially when their goal is to get the job done, by any means necessary.

    It takes a sufficient reason to get Umbra to question orders, and even greater reason to get them to outright reject it. But Umbra tends to stay away from any job that they would find distasteful to begin with, customer loyalty is important after all.

    Standing tall with a lithe build is perhaps the most notable aspect about Umbra that is not otherwise concealed behind a visage of metal. Everything else such as even Umbra’s species can be called into question, Hair, Eye and skin colour are all unknown to the general public, even those close to Umbra have no idea who or what they really look like.

    Instead, people will find familiarity with the suit of armour that Umbra wears in place of who is wearing the armour. From the ever-closed visor, to the large pauldrons and pointed breastplate, The armour alone is distinctive enough to leave an impression.


    • Tracking: Average: A skill learned out of necessity for targets that need to be found first.
    • Swordsmanship: Skilled: Comfortable with a sword, Umbra’s true ability shines through with the use of two-handed weapons.
    • Unarmed combat: Above Average: Has a brawler fighting style but is more adept at grapples.
    • Combat tactics: Above Average: Umbra can read the flow of battle and can make educated assessments as well as pick out patterns on opponents fighting styles.
    • Arcane lore: Average: As an active user of magic, Umbra felt it prudent to learn about where this power comes from
    • Education: Above average: Umbra is well read and can read and write and is quite the keen problem solver.

    Known Languages:
    Common: Fluent
    Trade: Fluent
    Elvish: Fluent


    • Heavy armour proficiency - The weight and feel of heavy armour is a familiar feeling and prolonged use has left the wearer able to move around as though they were encumbered wearing medium armour instead of heavy

    • Strength – Umbra is 2.0X stronger than a standard human.


    • Life Drain - A malevolent spell that absorbs the life out of a living creature and transfer that energy back to the caster. When cast a single arm will be encased with a claw of profane light with a duration of two posts. If the caster makes direct physical contact with the targets skin, then the spell becomes empowered by the targets own life energy and becomes self-sustaining, and will last up until physical contact is lost or the targets death, whichever comes first.

      To the target under the effects of life drain the effects can often wildly deviate with some targets being more susceptible than others. Most detrimental effects can include tiredness, numbness and loss of strength on top of the worsening of any ailments or wounds that they already have.

      Effects to the caster include a spike of energy as well as a slow gradual heal of any wound that could have healed naturally overtime

      Spell usage: 2 times a thread

    • Dash step – An enhancement spell that propels the caster forwards at great speed in order to close in on an opponent or to evade attacks with a large area of effect. Umbra’s use of this spell allows them to dash at speeds of up to 30 MPH up to a range of 20ft. The caster also needs to have a solid footing on any surface, anything to ‘kick off’ from is more than sufficient.

      Spell usage: 4 times per thread.


    Weathered bastard sword
    A worn and beaten iron bastard sword that has seen many battles. It is a rather plain looking sword that stands at just over 4 foot, and is marred by many scuffed scratches. Though it is still mostly intact a piece of the hilt guard has been broken off, and even the metal pommel has not survived unmarred by battle as the dented metal can attest. The scabbard that houses this worn blade can be found on their hip and is equally just as worn.


    Undersuit - A form fitting black leather one piece that covers the wearer from neck to toe that offers just slightly less protection than normal leather armour.

    Worn Iron plate Armour - A mostly full set of iron armour, though some pieces are more worn and weathered than the next, former decorative elements that would have once stood out have now been lost to history. From the large pauldrons to the pointed breastplate and its complicated segmented plates would mean that the armour was not meant for mass production and that its form was considered before function. Yet despite its difficult design to produce on masse it’s design still remains viable for actual combat.

    Another unique feature is that the helmets visor is completely enclosed with a mere hint of eye slits built into its design. This faceless visor possesses a small enchantment on the inside to allow the wearer an unobstructed view without any loss of protection

    It was a solemn day when the merchant caravan arrived in a small village located on the outer edge of Corone. And with it came the tall, silent armoured mercenary that had accompanied them as a guard. Though the rains had yet the cease the mercenary was in the midst of discussing fees for the return journey when news of the villages plight came to their attention.
    Over the past couple of weeks, people had been mysteriously vanishing from the village, but it wasn’t until the mayor had gone missing did the village went into a panic, believing that something evil was lurking within the depths of Corone that had slipped the notice of the Rangers. Without a word the Mercenary walked into the forest alone, emerging hours later with the mayor’s ring and the severed head of a hag.
    Whomever Umbra was before is largely unknown to everyone. Earliest sightings of Umbra claim that they arrived off a ship that had departed from Raiaera. But little else is known of them before that other than that they had been moving constantly between Scara Brea and Corone taking one mercenary job after another.

  2. #2

    Sage's Avatar


    Sage Ainsworth

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    ((Confirming old character for Reincarnation))
    Sage Ainsworth:
    Level 2

  3. #3
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Hey Sage. Welcome back!

    As we're pretty much freeform now, I think we're good to go. I'll need to sort your EXP out (which will be tomororw now) so once that's done, you'll be approved!

  4. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

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    Reincarnation complete! 50% of Sage's exp goes to Umbra and Sage is retired.


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