Although it was still daytime, and Drake knew that Gavner would not arrive until nightfall, the half angel was still excited for his friends to arrive. He hoped that Koli and Black Shadow would arrive too, and eager anticipation filled him every time he thought of it. For some reason the bar was rather empty- maybe people did not come to pubs this early in the day during the week in Radasanth. Perhaps everybody was too busy with work. The bar tender was friendly, however, and Drake happily waited, being content with the mere knowing that he was going to soon see his friends once more.

After a few hours of waiting and thinking to himself, the door opened, and a man in a white hood entered. Drake recognized that hood, and that tattoo on the man’s face instantly- it was Koli! Drake jumped up and hurried over to greet the man before he could remember that they were supposed to be prudent and civilized in this area. The half angel still could not understand why greeting those acquaintances that one knew personally was not considered “civilized,” but nonetheless he shook his good friend’s hand and motioned for him to take a seat at the table. Drake was so happy that he was speechless for the first few minutes.

“Did Gavner ask you here?” he asked the priest who nodded his head. Koil did not ever talk. He was like a dead silent monk. “He didn’t ask me to come, he actually ‘charged me on this fancy quest,’” Drake said. “Here, take a look at this!”

Drake procured his invitation from his vampire friend and set it on the table. Koli scrutinized the paper, and then pulled out his own. It read along the same lines, but it was worded differently.

Dear Priest Koli,

I am going on a quest which I cannot venture through without the assistance of you. I am hereby soliciting your part in accomplishing a complicated, daunting, yet rewarding task. Should you choose to accept, your presence will be greatly appreciated.

It is once more nearing the season in which joy must be spread through the world in the form of rash, and excessive deeds. Such adventure we will embark upon will bring many trials, and problems that we must overcome, and problems that I cannot face alone.

In light of such circumstances, I am embarking upon a quest which a company of multiple as opposed to one will be the most favorable. I cannot guarantee anybody’s safety, nor can I guarantee success, but I can guarantee eternal friendship, and unwavering gratitude.

Will you accept this charge? Will you embark on a quest of love to bring joy to he whom we care for? If you should choose to accept, converge with me on the Eve of the Descending Summer’s Conclusion, and we will determine the details and terms of this journey.

Safe travels, and Godspeed.


Drake was excited. Gavner was coming! And when he arrived, they were in for an adventure.