“Mavrik!” Gavner said across the room in a hearty, happy tone.

“Gavner!” The newcomer answered, “It’s so good to see you, old friend!”

“Granted,” Gavner said, “it has only been several months, but it feels like a very long time!”

The two friends came together and shared a brotherly embrace. Mavrik was a vampire from Gavner’s clan, and their meeting seemed more than that of happenstance when they had first encountered each other. Mavrik was actually in the special forces of Clan Anoterish, meaning that he was a spy. Anoterish was a clan with royal vampric blood, meaning that they had exponential perks over all the others. Nearly all vampires had incredible strength, which was given to them by their vampire cells, but normal vampires peaked in strength and speed after about 200 years of life. Normal vampires were also limited to about one thousand years, and aged at one tenth the rate of a normal human. The only normal vampires who deviated from these limits of life were the princes of each clan. Each vampire clan had members, generals, and war princes. The vampire War Princes were the ones who made every decision and important, and a special bloodline was passed among them. These princes had no limits to how strong they could become.

Anoterish was different, however, and superior in many ways. According to legend, their ancestral council of war princes agreed to help the head arcangel of the heavens fight ten legions of demons who were storming the gates of heaven. For this, the angel gave the vampire princes something called royal blood which they shared with their whole clan. From that day on, everybody in Clan Anoterish had no limit to how strong they could become, they aged one year for every twenty that they lived, and they would live until they were about two thousand years old. The princes, however, were given a very special bloodline indeed. They were granted so called everlasting life, as they would live until they were killed. They were immune to disease, their regeneration abilities were incredible, and they could undergo incomprehensible feats of strength.
Gavner met his friend Mavrik when he found out that the other clans in the vicinity were forming factions against Anoterish as he was spying on the other clans. He would have returned safely with the news, but he was discovered upon his escaping the enemy’s headquarters. By the time he reported the affairs to his clan, Anoterish was surrounded. Gavner and Mavrik were among those who managed to escape to a neighboring clan. Mavrik was separated from the special forces, and he was reduced to a member. The two traveled to other clans, fostering relations and rallying allies who would help them take back their homeland.

“Please, sit down!” Gavner said motioning to the table. “Everybody seems to be here now,” the vampire general said to the group.
“We all know why I have called us here, I assume,” Gavner said, “The spirit of Christmas!”