“Yes!” Drake said excitedly, and the two vampric guests winced. Granted, Drake had said that a little louder than he had anticipated, and he had forgotten that the vampires had very sensitive hearing. “Oh, sorry…” Drake just got so excited every time that Christmas came around. Last year they had a big party where Gavner tried to get as many of the world’s major criminals and enemies all together to share a joyful evening, setting aside all of their hatred for each other for just one night. Needless to say, that did not end all that well. The year before that, Gavner had first found out about the concept of “Christmas,” and decided that he needed to get a present for his best friend, Black Shadow.

But Gavner did not stop at a mere “Merry Christmas,” and a quiver of arrows. No, he solicited Koli and Drake to go with him to find all of the materials to make a Bladesinger Bow, the most powerful ranged weapon, and quite possibly the most powerful weapon on all of Althanas. That year, the meeting place was the oddest in existence, a place called Istraloth, which they were the first people to set foot on the tropical mountain continent. They later found that it was a haven for dragons, and they barely escaped undetected. While they were there, they discovered many mysteries on the uninhabited place, but that was not their goal destination, so they set sail for the Red Forest in Raiaera. When they made it, they were separated, and many perils they encountered. Gavner almost died, Drake was almost killed, and if it was not for Koli, they would not be here today.

So one of the main components for the bow was a branch from one of the oldest, most mature Ulder redwood trees that naturally grew a core of Liviol. They got the branch and barely escaped with their lives. After they escaped, they tried to find refuge in Eluriand, where they were tormented by the king of hell himself. They then found themselves in the midst of a dimensional tear where demons were flooding the world. Drake, Koli, and Gavner found the tear and defeated the demon lord, the commander of the providence, and they took an arrow from him as a trophy. Thus, they made the bow, saved the city, and brought Christmas to Gavner’s best friend Black Shadow.

Drake was ecstatic to see what Gavner had in store for this year’s Christmas. What he was certain of though, was that an adventure was at hand, which Drake was always willing to undergo. He could sit and daydream about adventures all day, but he never tried to go on any because adventures by himself were lonesome. What was the use of going on one if it was going to be lonely? What was the purpose of going on an adventure if he had no one to share it with him?

“So Gavner,” Drake said, “What’s in store this year?”