Drake and his friends went downstairs, and he ordered his friends and himself water.

“I bet it has been awhile since you have eaten or drunk anything in this plane!” Drake said.

“Yes, but we often keep in mind that this is the plane of sin,” Gabe said. “If you allow these actions to be your only actions pursued, or if you allow these actions to fuel your desires, you too will be caught in the trap of the physical realm.”

Gabriel took a drink of water. His expression softened. “Although, I suppose that it is rather refreshing.”

Seraphina and Drake began laughing hysterically. “Maybe we should get out and find the others,” Drake said.

Drake payed for their water, and they set out into the square. The last light of day had set over the horizon, and nobody was out. The three friends began to walk through the square, and suddenly Seraphina perked up and looked to the right. “I hear something,” she said.

“What is it?” Drake asked.

“It sounds like somebody yelling. Oh wait, now he is singing.” She replied.

“Gavner,” Drake said. “Come on!” Drake began running towards the direction that Seraphina heard the noise, and the others followed. After a little while down the road, Drake began to see a large mansion in the distance with three figures standing in front of it. That was Gavner, Mavrik, and Koli. The three angels reached Drakes friends, and Drake interrupted. “Gavner,” he said, “What are you doing?”

“We are singing Christmas carols,” Gavner replied, “Now come on, let us finish! Follow my lead.”

”Oh, bring us a sticky pudding, oh bring us a sticky pudding, oh bring us a sticky pudding, and a stup of good fear.

Drake thought this song was insane. It seemed as if they were trying to monger hatred against this said Christmas. Suddenly, the door to the mansion opened and somebody stepped out on to the porch. He was a tall, plump man who wore a night robe.

“What is the meaning of this?” He called in a deep booming voice.

“Sir, we bring tidings of joy and Christmas to the city of Radasanth!” Gavner called back, “And now we will sing carols of Christmas!”

[Oh dear,] Drake said to Seraphina and Gabriel telepathically, [This is going to be an interesting occasion. Will you sing with us?]

[Of course!] The two angels replied telepathically.