Drake stood up. “Well, now what?”

There was nowhere to go, nothing to do, and he clearly was being very unsuccessful on his mission so far. Just then, a commotion outside the tavern came to his attention. Approaching the door, and exiting, he found a large circle of men in the square of the indoor village. At first Drake was so confused, and had no idea of what was going on. He was hearing music, but there were no instruments. No, this sounded similar to the music which he heard in the heavens; rather, it was not as “heavenly,” per say.

Drake pulled his hood as to avoid drawing attention to his bright blonde hair, and pushed his way through the crowd to see what was going on. A group of men and women were standing on the pulpit, or the raised platform in the middle of the square, and they were… They were Singing!

Singing in Althanas was not a common occurrence, Drake had only heard such music on rare occasions, and only in taverns, or churches (or other such religious affiliations in order to commemorate entities and deities) and even such music was either horrible or very ritualistic. This was Lively and enjoyable! Also, the other uncommon place occurrence here was that there were no instruments behind the voices… it was almost as if the voices were the lyrical singing, *and* they were the background instruments as well! Drake loved this so much, he did not know that such occurrence was possible in the normal world, he thought it was only in heaven.

“What is this style of music?” Drake asked the captain next to him who had exceptionally bushy eyebrows and a long grey beard. “I must know!”

“Erm, this is a new style called, er what did they call it?” He said, “Ar Capellon er something.”

“No you idiot,” the man on the other side of Drake said, “It’s called an A Capella rendition. A Capella means without instruments. It is in the beta phase, and the group asked if they could perform for us. Captains are the true way to spread ideas around Althanas, because they travel and with them they take not only goods, cargo, and culture, but they also spread ideas, beliefs and interests. If you ever want to spread something, come to the captains.”

The crowd loved this music, and so did Drake.