He heard the mysterious call out to him. His eyes narrowed for a moment but he was not hostile. He looked at her from beneath his hood. His glowing eyes staring at her from the shadows. He nodded. Noticing the girl was aggravated by something.

He spoke in a thick Tular Plains accent. The wizened old demon looked at her the entire time. "To you lady, I'm just a passersby as the locals like to say." He said calmly. "I don't like cities too much noise you see?" He said rubbing his thick beard gently.

"Had some business to conclude. I have not been out here in years." He noticed her sword. He grinned. "Are you with the local guard folks?" He asked. "I can get you an introduction with them if you are not." He said calmly to her. "I have a camp out here if you don't have a place to stay." It was the truth, he wasn't there to start trouble in his older age...