(Closed to Tyr)

He'd arrived in Corone a few months prior. He had business to conduct. The parcel in his possession would legitimize his city. But that was not the sole reason he was there. He saw The Citadel in the distance of Radasanth and nodded towards it. He wore his mask, to hide his identity. Though it was only because he knew most of the mortal races were hostile to his people.

He wore a great cloak around his powerfully muscular body. The large hood was around his head hiding it in the darkness of his hood. The cloak flowed around his body with a swish. He wore full leather attire and was a short individual. But extremely muscular. He carried with him a pair of keepsake iron maces. Strapped to either side of his body. His eyes were always alert as he made his way through the Radasanth streets, he was looking for a particular person belonging to the Ai'bron Order....