Nosdyn waited, but his patience was already wearing thin.

He listened to his wife talking to them, offering counsel. He nodded. Then looked at the demon lord. "You've all been at our threats since we became an established city." Nosdyn began. He was weary of further back stabbing attempts but his interest was there that time. "We have good cause to be hesitant of late." He added. He rerolled the parchment in his hand and placed it back in it's container. "Sorry. But no. My wife is right we have been fighting out for months now against your people." He paused for a moment and continued after. "The people of Xaliel exiled me and my House many years ago. An injury I have not forgotten. Unless you want to die right here and now you should go home." Nosdyn wanted nothing to do with their bargains...

The demon lord looked hurt, sincerely like he had just got rejected by local tavern whores. "We shall take our leave then. have a lot of eyes on you and your city. Just always be mindful of that." He said calmly and he and his people began to take their leave.

Nosdyn's eyes narrowed. "Thanks for the fair warning but we are good for it." Then...Nosdyn gave the signal to attack right as the demon and his entourage turned their backs on them...

Nosdyn grinned as the undead war machine moved.