The torches and the polished stone in the passageway gleamed in the bright torch light.

“The kingdom awaits, Master Nahs, Master Shadow.” Black Shadow nodded and gently took hold of one of Espoir’s baby hands with his index finger and his thumb as the doors to Al Konvar opened up to make way for the travelers. The two quest mates began to walk prudently through the doors and into the address hall.

The two men walked into the hall to find ranks upon ranks of civilian dwarves seated- every eye on them. The room was clearly in the peak of the mountain, as the ceiling of the hall, seemed to be so far up that it was nonexistent, and the walls were conical and tapered as they ascended. Thousands of dwarves were seated, all in front of the throne, which was at the very end of the hall, and upon a raised platform. Behind the throne were two large panels of glass which let crisp moonlight into the hall, and allowed a view of the surrounding mountain range. In front of the throne was a table, and a panel of nine dwarves who were seated. Woodan mentioned these men. Apparently they were the royal council of the kingdom, which acted in making decisions in the absence of the king.

Black Shadow and Gavner walked slowly down the aisle and finally reached the table where the council was seated. The two travelers now finally looked up and saw the dwarven King Hronzak, seated in his throne. He had a golden helm and a long red beard, as well as long red hair that was held back in a pony tail. The king rose to his feet, and the entire kingdom in the hall followed suit. The king shouted something in a foreign language, and shortly thereafter the kingdom began to recite the code of the clan. After they were finished, the king held up his hands.

“You may be seated,” he bellowed out. Shortly after the noise had settled, he continued, "We are gathered here today," the king boomed, "to discuss urgent news from these two men." Hronzak looked at Gavner and Black Shadow and Gavner.

Black Shadow looked at Gavner, who nodded and stepped forward. "Queen Olivia of the Outlandish Elves has entrusted me with very important news." The vampire said loudly. "She requests a truce, and for both sides to cease all violence! This war has gone on for long enough!"

There was murmur all throughout the room. From some came cries of agreement, and some cries of angry protest. Gavner threw Black Shadow a look. This was going to be a long night.