With the hammer, Gavner began to smash the bench, breaking it into many smaller chunks. The vampire picked up a piece of stone that was douvle the size of his fist and hurled it at an incoming dwarf’s head. With a loud grunt, the dwarf dropped to the ground, and into an eternal sleep. Gavner looked up and met the eyes of a soldier who had been standing nearby to see the whole scene take place. He looked at the dwarf. The dwarf looked at him. Gavner looked at the rock in his other hand, and then at the dwarf. Flashing his sharp, ebony black teeth in a smile, Gavner whipped the rock at the dwarf who had now turned tail in a futile attempt to escape his fate.

The creature of the night began hurling stone after stone at all of the incoming dwarves, making the soldiers now jump behind benches to take cover, and think twice before storming the vampire. While the dwarves were distracted, the creature of the night took his opportunity to make a grand exit, and picked up the entire bench from which he was gleaning chunks of stone. He threw the bench to the far side of Al Konvar, and leapt toward the hole in the wall that he was making. While the dwarves began to charge to the opposite side of the hall where Gavner had thrown the bench, the creature of the night picked up the massive stone that he took from the throne base, and he once again threw it at the wall with all his strength. The wall collapsed in on itself a bit more, and the hole grew larger in diameter. Gavner looked at the wall, and then at the approaching horde of dwarves. And suddenly decided that the hole was large enough for him to fit through, before diving into the wall. The hole was just large enough for Gavner to fit through. If Gavner had but drunk one more glass of water, or eaten one more crust of bread, he would not have fit through the hole in the wall. Using his arms and legs to wriggle himself, the vampire slowly squirmed down the tunnel which he had opened up. When the dwarves had first dug into the mountain, they needed to dig extra shafts for air in case of cave ins. Gavner had just been lucky and found one of these closed off air shafts.