Gavner continued to crawl through the tunnel until he reached a small opening. He had now come across a real tunnel that clearly had been closed off because there was absolutely no lighting, and no lanterns. If it were not for Gavner’s vampire sight, he would not be able to see anything; however, he could see in the dark. Looking back, he noticed that he was not being tailed. Dwarves may have been shorter than humans and vampires, but they were certainly not skinnier. No, no dwarf was going to be able to crawl through that old abandoned air shaft like Gavner could.

Gavner began to duck walk through the tunnel. The passage was only the size of a dwarf- it must have been an escape tunnel at one point. Perhaps this tunnel could take Gavner directly to an exit. As he continued down the tunnel, the temperature began to rise, and Gavner grew hotter and hotter. The tunnel began to slope upward, and Gavner felt himself climbing upward in the mountain toward the summit. He began to feel relieved. Perhaps his escape would have been easier than he thought!

General Xnias was pacing in the hall in front of the throne. Down at the table where the council once sat, his commanding officers were reporting.

“I don’t care that nobody can fit through that tunnel, just find where it goes!” He shouted angrily. “Ever since day one, that vampire has been nothing but trouble. He has escaped me for the last time.” The officers began to go out and command ranks of men to go and search tunnels throughout the mountain. “Unless…” Xnias thought out loud.

“Captain!” Xnias said.

“Yes general?” The captain replied.

“ He isn’t trying to go covert. He is going to try and escape, that coward! Send all your ranks to the hot springs.”