“Quickly, this way!” Gavner heard a gruff voice, followed by the boots of others.

“There he is!”

“In the water!”

“I see him!”

“What are you waiting for? After him!”

Gavner booked it to the overflow where he pulled himself up onto the tunnel of the floor. He looked back toward the entrance and saw hundreds of dwarves flooding the entrance to the cavern. They began to jump in the pool of water and wading toward the escaping vampire. He had to think fast.

“Think, think!” Gavner said to himself looking around. Hundreds of dwarves were now in the cavern, and more flooding in. With the sheer amount of volume displacement in the pool, water began to rush up through the overflow and flood the passageway. Gavner looked down at the hammer that was still in his hand, and then at the ceiling of the cavern. With a well placed throw, he hurled the Warhammer at the spot next to the hole which he had created in the ceiling where the tunnel was, and the same angry cracking noise came from the roof of the cavern. However, this time it was angrier. This time the noise came back with a vengeance. A stalagmite fell down from the ceiling and skewered an unlucky dwarf who was standing in the entryway. Suddenly, another fell, and then another.

Before the catastrophe could play out fully, Gavner turned toward the exiting water in the overflow and began to run down the tunnel, his feet sloshing through the warm resisting water. From behind him, in the previous cavern, Gavner heard the sound of a massive piece of the ceiling being dislodged, and the eerie silence that followed as it was falling. Then came the screams of fright and anticipation. Then the massive splash. Gavner knew what was coming, so he ran as fast as he could, but there was no way he could escape it. He heard the eerie whisper of water approaching, and then he was overtaken by the tidal wave. Gavner took a deep breath before he was consumed and the tunnel was completely filled with water.

The vampire was battered and smashed against the sides of the tunnel as he was shoved though the passage. He could feel himself being forced into a smaller tunnel, as the water speed increased, and he was battered much more, until finally, the pressure in the tunnel was released, and he burst through the side of the mountain in a brilliant, steaming waterfall.