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  1. #1

    EXP: 38,578, Level: 8
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 5,422
    Level completed: 40%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,422

    Gavner_Nahs's Avatar


    Gavner woke up to Black Shadow having cooked and packed up all of the bear meat that could fit in Gavner’s knapsack. He himself was breakfasting on a tenderloin, and there was a fillet waiting for Gavner before they headed out. They didn’t say anything to each other; they simply picked up and started running. Gavner made sure to take it easy, so that Black Shadow was able to tread lightly as to not wake up the baby Espoir. They began to run throughout the landscape, at a normal pace, The first day they made it through the long plains that stretched up through the outlands. After the plains they encountered the lagoon which was a two day voyage across. They had to stop and trade off some of their bear meat for more baby food for Espoir, and some salt to salt the rest, but for the most part they did not need to eat from it because they hunted fresh meat every night. They agreed that they would save the bear meat as emergency reserves.

    Finally, after a seven day long trek, they reached the forest which was home to the great elven capital. They walked for hours and hours, but the walk did not seem to bother either of them. They rather enjoyed one another’s company.

    “Okay,” Gavner said, “So, I spy with my little eye… something…. Black.”

    Black Shadow pointed to himself without skipping a beat, or looking away from the trail in front of him.

    “Darn it!” Gavner said. “How did you know??”

    Black Shadow shrugged his shoulders. Baby Espoir looked up at the vampire and it was almost as if she raised an eyebrow at him before cooing.

    “Oh alright,” Gavner replied, “It is your turn!”

    ”Hmmm,” Black Shadow said in sign language. ”I spy with my little eye… Something brown with green eyes and a big bushy tail.”

    Gavner looked around the forest and suddenly noticed, about 300 yards away on the side of a tree, a little brown squirrel, just before it scurried around out of sight. “Was it that red squirrel??” Gavner shouted, pointing off in the distance.

    Black Shadow shrugged and nodded. It was kind of fun playing I spy with somebody who matched Gavner’s supernatural senses. The vampire smiled, he had never had a friend with whom he actually enjoyed spending time like this. “Okay,” Gavner said, “Your turn Shadow!”

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by Gavner_Nahs; 09-04-2017 at 11:40 PM.

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