
In a cloud of rotten egg scented smoke I appeared, uninvited and unexpectedly. My body felt weightless for just a second and though my eyes were squeezed shut so tight i could feel tears at the edges, i knew i was no longer in Scara Brae. As i opened my golden orbs to see my surroundings i suddenly felt vertigo, and the horizontal horizon was shifting upwards.


I unceremoniously struck the ground, falling out of the sky. Immediately I rolled onto my side and curled into a fetal position. My skin was crawling like there were chigger bugs crawling under it, but from head to toe. It stung though like my funny bone had been hit, but everywhere. The last thing i remembered was my mom yelling for me to stop fighting, yelling for me to run, but it was too late. That priest or paladin that had come to town screamed something about banishing the evil and suddenly everything had gone black.

With muscles twitching occasionally and uncontrollably, and an overwhelming feeling of nausea, i opened my eyes to find out where i had been banished too. Under my long, slender fingers was soft sand that was warm to the touch. As far as i could see it extended that way, rolling and swaying as if the sand was an ocean that has been frozen in time. It if wasn’t for the overwhelming anxiety and fear of being lost that was quickly overtaking me I might have thought it was a nice sight.

“Where is this…” I sighed, backing up slowly into a small oasis behind me as I pulled my knees into my chest and tried to control my breathing.