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Thread: Aynur Ziva: Lv2

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  1. #1

    EXP: 6,343, Level: 3
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    Aynur Ziva

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    Aynur Ziva: Lv2

    One day you will realise the stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you
    But will you ever let it shine from within you?

    This world will end in ruin
    And I'll loose all I love


    When Aynur sings the ability activates. Those who are in the radius of the song and can hear the song will have their minor cuts, abrasions, burns, and pain healed. They also have illnesses such as a common cold or fever healed.
    It’s use lasts for the duration of the full song (3 Posts) unless the song is interrupted.
    It’s Area of Effect is 20 feet in a circular radius from Aynur.

    When Aynur sings, the ability activates. Those who are in the radius of the song and can hear the song will have their negative feelings alleviated, or subdued. Depending on the strength of their will and their willingness to let the song wash over them. This song has no affect on those who do not wish to have their negative feelings subside.
    It’s use lasts for the duration of the full song (3 Posts) unless the song is interrupted.
    It’s Area of Effect is 20 feet in a circular radius from Aynur.

    When Aynur sings, the ability activates. Those who are in the radius of the song and can hear the song will feel strong feelings of sadness and melancholy, even if they were in high spirits before Depending on the strength of their will and their willingness to let the song wash over them.
    It’s use lasts for the duration of the full song (3 Posts) unless the song is interrupted.
    It’s Area of Effect is 20 feet in a circular radius from Aynur.

    Aynur is a master songstress, her entire life she has been able to imbue the power of song with mind altering mana. Her tunes can soothe the mind, send you to sleep, or rejuvenate you
    She has not played since she has lost her eyesight, so it is currently unknown if she can still play.
    Aynur is one of the few people in her sect that can successfully birth an Ar'Tuel half-breed child, at the cost of her own life upon birth.
    Aynur can speak fluent Tradespeak, and intermediate Elvish and Fae.

    She can read Tradespeak and parts of Elvish.


    Aynur is sweet. She is very passive and would rather talk things out, or allow herself to be hurt in place of causing harm to others. She will go out of her way to help anyone in need. Aynur is far too trusting, and very naive of the outside world. She doesn't understand social concepts and doesn't believe anyone would do any intentional harm. She has a fairly innocent view on the world, and rarely speaks in contractions. She once used to always find the good in everything.

    Her naive nature has caused a lot of trouble for her, and has left her in a much more subdued and passive state than she was previously. Having lost the Orb of Alkieh, the one item she was sworn to protect has left her at a loss. Aynur now helplessly clings to anyone who shows her even one iota of kindness. She ignores their crueller traits as she now feels it is what she deserves and due to mental torture and duress, is virtually convinced that any negative behaviour toward her is her own fault, and that it is actually an act of kindness to show her how 'wrong' she is being.

    Born and raised to be the ‘Oracle’ Aynur has lived a very sheltered life with no family, no friends, and no contact outside the devout of the covenant of her people. She has dedicated her life to the teachings of Alkieh, her peoples deity. It is said his spirit is within the 'Orb' which is entrusted to the chosen Oracle.

    During her wanderings she met a Drakrai named Varin, whom she had an instantly strong bond with. Varin was subdued and cautious, and like her he seemed to have little understanding of the world around him. Aynur found his presence fascinating and his smile carried a warmth that she felt deep within her being. Aynur didn't want to leave his company but Varin insisted on parting ways after they were attacked by a group of mercenaries who had been hired to kill the Drakrai. Aynur left at his wishes despite feeling a great pain in her chest. She found her resolve, and chose to continue on her pilgrimage to spread the word of her people and their deity.

    Not long after, Aynur bumped into a cold and callous man named Lucifer. Lucifer was an Ar'Tuel who immediately sensed the presence of his bretheren within the orb and mistook Aynur for an enemy who had captured him. Lucifer proceeded to torture Aynur, permanently scarring her ribs, and burning her upper arm. He originally tried to take the orb away from Aynur but she stubbornly insisted on following him, she insisted she saw a bright light within him and promised to help him. Lucifer began to see how innocent Aynur was, and began to see humanity in a different light frustrated at this realisation he abandoned her in the woods.

    His followers found Aynur and tortured her mercilessly, they tore out her eyes, ripped out her fingernails one by one, broke her fingers and limbs. They tore her skin, and tore the mark of 'The order of the Dusk' into her back. Lucifer did not order this, and when he found out, called on Amari for help who healed Aynur to the best of her abilities, Amari warned that Aynur's mental wounds would not be so easily healed and that her sight was permanently gone.

    Lucifer took Aynur away from them and travelled to Ettermire. He realised he was falling for Aynur. Lucifer's affections were twisted and abusive. He gave her lavish things she did not ask for or need, and took her virginity. The orb shattered and Alkieh, one of the Ar'Tuel elders appeared before Lucifer, he did not approve of Lucifers actions, and appeared humble and peaceful. Lucifer saw through this, and found out that Aynur was nothing more than a living incubator, chosen to create a half breed of his once proud race.

    Lucifer incapacitated Alkieh, before throwing Aynur into more mental duress, he forced her to love through mental torture and claimed it was because he loved and cared for her. Scared of what he had become, Aynur fled. Lucifer took away her enchanted blindfold, and the now broken Orb of Alkieh leaving her with nothing but a shattered heart and broken mind.

    Aynur found out that she would die upon birthing the Ar'Tuel child, and that if she was indeed pregnant she would only live 9 months. Aynur lost her will to live. Abandoned, lost, and alone she found herself living on the streets begging for change, after Lucifer had taken everything from her. That is when a man named Umshaes happened upon her, (Aynur believes his name to be Damien) Umshaes has now taken Aynur under his wing, he shows her glimpses of kindness, but it is very clear he has ulterior motives and would just as readily throw the poor girl to the wolves.

    I'm Floating On The Edge Of Despair
    Falling Deep Into Your Illusions

  2. #2
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